☁︎☢︎♕♠︎☘︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙽𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚢 𝙺.𝚂𝚈☘︎♠︎♕☢︎☁︎

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How did I end up working for one of the most dangerous men in Korea? Well, it all started a few months ago when I moved to Korea to get away from my old life which unfortunately left me pregnant.

With nobody wanting to hire a girl that's knocked up and homeless which meant I was without a job, home, and food. How could I survive and keep my baby alive without necessary things like those?

Luckily I still had my phone on me but unfortunately, it was dead which made my day worse but that was until it started raining. I immediately rush into the coffee shop that was across the street.

Entering the building I was instantly hit with a blast of coffee beans and whip cream. The shop was an adorable little shop with nice pictures of customers and the owners hanging from the walls, the furniture was all cute and fuzzy overall it was cozy and welcoming.

One person I recognize and grown to know was Jihoon or Woozi for short. He's the only person who's been nice to me since I arrived in Korea. He's helped me by taking me to the doctor and letting me stay with him but I can't always depend on him.

"Look who it is. Ms. Y/L/N and mini y/n. Where have you been? I was worried about you and wondered if something happened to you. I was about to call the police."

"I was out looking for a job. I'm sorry I worried you."

"It's ok but how did it go."

"It didn't end well because they didn't want to hire a black girl who's knocked up."

"I'm sorry people are so rude here."

"It's ok. But do you know anyone that's hiring?"

"No, not that I kn-wait actually I do."


"My friend Soonyoung he needs a Nanny for his two kids. It's a live-in nanny job so you get a place to stay so you and the baby can stay warm and have food. That's if you accept the job."

"I need this job so yes."

"Good I'll give him a call."

Things are starting to look up for me and my baby. I just hope I get the job.


Today is the day of the interview which makes me more nervous than I already am. I know I shouldn't stress because it causes the baby problems but I can't help it. Jihoon dropped me off at the house and wishes me good luck before kissing my cheek.

The house was huge it was bigger than my apartment I use to have back in the states. There was a ton of guards surrounding the house which made me kinda suspicious of what's going on here. The guards checked me like I had a weapon on me until a lady told them to stop and leave.

The lady was beautiful, she was short but stood strong and willful. She was an older lady but she couldn't have been much older than my own mother. She was in a cleaning scrubs so I guess she had to be the maid.

"Come in dear before you catch a cold."

I nod and follow her in. Let me tell when I say the house was beautiful, it was beautiful. It had a grand staircase right there when you entered the house. It had an elegant chandelier that hung with the ceiling by a diamond chain. The house was beautiful in all of its glory and pride.

𝘈𝘮𝘉𝘸 𝘐𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴Where stories live. Discover now