Just Checking (DiaSarah)

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(Published December 31, 2019)

No One's POV

"Onee-chan, I'll be off then." Ruby greeted Dia goodbye who was seeing her off.

"Don't make Leah-san worry too much for you. Just have fun with her today." Dia advised.

"I know, I don't want to be much of a burden to Leah-chan. Won't Sarah-san be coming over today?" Ruby asked, fixing herself up.

"She will be, later." Dia replied, closing her eyes and crossing her arms.

"I think not, onee-chan. She's already here." A click signaling the opening of the door is heard. Ruby was the one opening the door and found the elder sister of the one she was to meet.

"Ruby, Leah has already left quite a while ago, then I also left the house as soon as she went out." Sarah spoke, making the black haired to open her eyes at the very familiar voice.

"S-sarah-san, you're really early. Too early." Dia became flustered at the sudden appearance of the person they were just talking about.

"Ah, that's how it always is in our household. Ruby, won't you be leaving yet? It's almost time I think." Sarah welcomed herself in and put her shoes on the side.

"I will be. I still have some time, but if you say Leah-chan left early, then I'll take my leave now. Enjoy you time today onee-chan, Sarah-san." Ruby left with a cheery smile on her face.

As soon as her twintailed redhead little sister left the house, Dia went to her room and let Sarah to stay in the living room to wait.

A few moments later, Dia went out of her room and went in front of Sarah, who was playing with her phone. Sarah then kept her phone in her pocket and stood up.

"Are you ready?" The black haired quietly nodded and walked to their house's entrance.

"You know where they're going?" Dia asked as soon as they closed the door when they went out.

"No. More importantly, let's focus on our own date." Sarah took Dia's hand in hers.

"I'll call them later."

"You don't have to worry that much. Leah is responsible, that's why Ruby relies on her too. Won't you trust Ruby with Leah for now?" Sarah then intertwined their fingers.

"If you say so."


"It's a message. It's from Ruby. She says they've met each other and even sent a photo." Dia quickly took out her phone, hearing the sound.

"That's a relief right?"

"Yes. I'll still call them later though."

"Fine, you do that. But please, put more attention to your girlfriend right beside you." Sarah pouted, resting her chin on Dia's shoulder.

"Alright, alright, you're being cute." Dia patted Sarah's head and put her phone in her pocket.

"Though I don't mind you checking on them once in a while..." A grumble was heard which made Dia giggle and Sarah to blush in embarrassment.

"Should we go eat now?" Dia suggested.

"I guess so..." Sarah replied, reaching to hold Dia's hand.

...meantime RubyLeah...


"hmmm, is this alright?" Ruby showed Leah her phone, letting her check if the message was okay.

"That's fine, isn't it?"

"Okay then, let me just press send... and there, sent!" Then she felt a tug on her sleeve and moved her eyes to the head of her girlfriend on the table. "Leah-chan, what do you want to do now?"

Leah perked up in excitement as she felt the attention has shifted to her.

"I have somewhere in mind. Come here." Leah stood up and took Ruby's hand in hers and led her through the streets.

"Don't pull so hard, I can't keep up with this speed Leah-chan..." Ruby panted. Leah stopped, turned around, and suddenly lifted Ruby up in a princess style carry which the redhead completely became beet red at the sudden action.

"I'll just carry you then." Leah said with a charming smile.

"N-nevermind that. P-put me down. This is too embarrassing for me. Let's just walk." Ruby looked down in embarrassment. "...I might be too heavy for you to carry..." She mumbled to herself.

"What are you saying, you're almost as light as a feather for me. Don't mind that, I work out. This is nothing."

"P-put me down please..."

Leah granted Ruby's plea and put her down with a frown. As Ruby saw this, she put a peck on Leah's cheek bashfully and then she cheered up.

"Where are we going anyway?" Ruby asked recovering from the embarrassment.

"That's a surprise!" Leah replied with a grin, her hands at her back.

"Fine, lead me anywhere, Leah-chan." Ruby smiled and linked her arms in Leah's arms.

"That's what I'm doing and I'll continue doing more for you, Ruby." Leah looked to her side with a smile.

A few minutes later they arrived at the place Leah was thinking about. It was an aquarium. It was a new one, so hardly anyone was there.

"We're here Ruby. This is the place." Leah stopped in front of the place and looked up to the signs.

"An aquarium? I haven't been here."

"It is new and only a few people know about this place."

"So, it's kind of a secret place for people to find?"

"You can say that. Most people just pass by this place not knowing what exactly this place is."

"That's kind of nice. A secret shared between a small number of people."

*phone ringing*

"This ringtone... It's a call and just right before we get in the place."

"Ah wait that's mine." Ruby rummaged through her things and finally got the phone out and pressed the answer button. "Ah, onee-chan. Hello."

"It finally got connected. Hello, Ruby. I just wanted to check on you guys." Dia stated while Sarah sipped on the drink Dia was holding and was resting her chin on Dia's shoulder.

"Oh, we're doing fine onee-chan. Leah-chan pouting here and there everytime I look at my phone."

"What a coincidence. It's the same case with mine here." Both Ruby and Dia chuckled, leaving the other two to imagine what they were talking about. "So where are you now?"

"I don't know exactly where we are but, Leah-chan brought me to a newly opened aquarium."

"An aquarium? That's nice of her. So what are their attractions?"

"We haven't gotten in yet. You called just before we were entering the facility. I'll let you see the photos later at home. So don't worry about us anymore." Ruby felt hands wrapping around her waist. It was an embrace.

"Oh, sorry for interrupting. I'll hang up now. Have fun you two."

"Sure thing. Bye-bye."



"What you giggling about."

"Nothing important." 'You really are sisters. Well, I could say the same for me and onee-chan.'

"Let's get in already."

"Sure sure, Leah-chan."


Shun-chan here!

Another one!


Well, I'll be off making the last one now.

As always,

Thanks for dropping by!

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