~ Chapter 2 - Locked up ~

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I was worn out.. all the laughing and slamming hands on the table made me super tired. It became real dark real quick and I had to walk home since I didn't have a car and I accidently spent all my money on food and drinks. The noises around started to scare me. Each step I took, they seemed to become much more louder and louder. Though continueing was probably best choice I had for now..
An owl tweeted, freaking the shit out of me.
I couldn't take the worry that was filling my body anymore. I took a run for home but just as I took a few fast steps, I felt something wrap around my body tight. Just as I opened my mouth to scream, it blocked my mouth with its hand that had a cloth on it. As I inhaled, I slowly started to feel dizzy and sleepy. All of a sudden I blacked out.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I saw myself chained up in what looked like to be a basement. Then there were black, fancy shoes and pants in front of me. I slowly looked up, examining its body.
How tall is it?
"I'm actually 12'4." It said. My head shot up.
There was a faceless man standing right in front of me, looking down at me. I gulped. What the hell was this strange, unique creature?
"Hello there Y/N L/N." The creature greeted. My eyes widened, so wide that if I opened them much more my eyes would probably pop out.
"H-HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!?" I worriedly snapped. The tall man put clenched his hands together.
"Reasons.. Y/N, believe it or not. You are actually one of us." His voice was calm, a posh British accent which made me a tiny bit more calm.
"What? a faceless, 12'4 man?"
"No, you are a proxy."
Proxy? What the hell did that even mean?
My eyes narrowed in confusion.
"A proxy is one of my helpers I guess that's the easiest way to explain it to you."
"How am I a helper? A human being like me. I don't even know you so how could I possibly be one of your 'helpers?'"
"The thing is Y/N, you aren't fully human."
I gave him a Whaaaaat?? look.
"You'll get what I mean one day. And unfortunately Y/N, we have to keep you down here for a few days until we can trust you to not attempt to escape."
I stared up at him with pure shock.
"Not like you'll even be able to.." He mumbled. I ignored it. I was just pissed about the fact I had to stay in this ratty ass basement until I was trusted enough. "All the proxies here had to go through what's going to happen now. Anyway Y/N, toodles." He gave a tiny wave before turning around and walking up the stairs of the basement thingy.
"COME BACK HERE NOW!" He ignored me and kept walking up. "NOW! DONT IGNORE ME!" Still, the man ignored me. "COME BACK RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" Now he was opening the basement door and STILL ignoring me. "...please..?" He walked out and closed the door shut. I heard a lock. "I EVEN SAID PLEASE, YOURE LUCKY!" I continued to shout, "BE GREATEFUL! IM POSSIBLE ABLE TO KILL YOU THIS INSTANT IF I DIDNT HAVE THESE CHAINS AND WASNT LOCKED UP IN HERE!"


I closed the door behind me and locked it. I could hear the mumbling threats coming from her. I chuckled.
She's a loud shouter for a quiet girl. Exactly why I picked her.
It was a good trait that hardley any other proxies here had.
The proxies and I continued to listen to the mumbling shouts.
"Thanks for catching her, Hoodie. Now tell me the story."

Sorry that this chapter is kinda short, (710 words) I didn't know what else to put and I thought it would be good to end off the chapter knowing that Hoodie was the one who had captured her idk. Leave any feedback in the comments please :) I'd love to hear what criticism you have for me to improve on things. Tanqqqqq!! :3

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