~ Chapter 10 - Midnight snack ~

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Lets just pretend we time skipped to late at night heh.

Hoodie POV

It was late at night and couldnt get to sleep. It was around maybe 2-3am. And all I could think of was (Y/N). It was strange because I hardley knew her but... that night when I was pretending to be a waiter at the restraunt. Not only did she catch my eye because Slender asked to bring her to this mansion, but because she was beautiful, in all honesty the most prettiest girl I ever seen. She may not believe or hear that she's perfect but really.. she is. I looked over to (Y/N) sleeping on my bed which I had made her sleep on because I wasn't letting her sleep on this uncomfy mattress. (Y/N) was hugging the pillow and doing really small snores which just sounded like someone lightly inhaling. She is even cuter when she is sleeping...
Then something hit me, I shouldn't be saying this. We hardley know eachother and who knows who could be hitting on her right now? CoughcoughMasky..orevenBen.. there were so many more boys than girls in this house so maybe almost every boy is trying to hit on her because of how clueless she is of everyone. Lucky I'm supposed to watch over her so I can easily protect her from anyone trying to flirt or anything like that. (Y/N) moved a slight bit so I quickly pretended I was sleeping. I could hear her sit up but I'm not sure what she was doing from then, she was definitely awake though. I opened my eyes slightly just so I could see her silhouette but she wouldn't be able to tell that my eyes are open. In my surprise she was looking down at me, her legs on the ledge of the bed that holds up the mattress. (Y/N) had a sad look upon her face as she sighed. What was weird was the fact that I was also half naked and had no blankets over me but.. I wonder what was up. Had someone done or said something to her? I wanted to ask her so I pretended that I had just woken up. Just before I could open my eyes fully, I saw her jump and pretend she wasn't looking at me. This made me internally chuckle.
"H-hey." I pretended to yawn while saying that. I'm guessing she was acting aswell because she looked over to me with a small shock.
"Oh hey! Didn't hear you wake up.. I just woke up maybe a minute ago.." she said, avoiding eye contact with me. It was probably because I was half naked and she didn't want to make me 'feel uncomfortable'.
"Oh okay.. how come you're awake anyway?" This time I pretended to be stretching.
"Uh.. I.. uh... h-had a nightmare..!" I nodded but she didn't see. Honestly, she's either at one stage good at acting but with certain questions she will stutter I found.
"Must've been a really scary nightmare cause you're stuttering." I said sarcastically but not enough for her to figure out.
"Uh.. yeah..." there was then an awkward silence for around 20 seconds before I broke it.
"Wanna get a midnight snack?"
"Sure." We both got up and tip-toed downstairs to the kitchen.
"What do you wanna eat."
"Well what do you wanna eat?" I looked around the place and found Jeff cookies. Payback for when he pranked me by sending me a video with loud moaning on it. I got in so much trouble. He deserved this and even more. An evil grin grew on my face as I grabbed the cookies, opening the lid. (Y/N) seemed to smile evilly aswell.
"I stole a few of his cookies uhh," She looked at the time which said 3:14am "yesterday." I chuckled since she had to look at the time.
"Excellent, more cookie stealing I guess." Just as I reached my hand in for a cookie, the sound of someone coming down the stairs caught my attention. I looked over to (Y/N), she looked over to me. I gave her a 'hide' signal using my hands and mouth.
Me and (Y/N) went into the same small cabinet with eachother. It was dark and we were squished together, all flustered. I held Jeffs cookies tightly and then I heard.
"Where the hell are my cookies!" Jeff whisper shouted. We were dead if he found us. "I bet it was that (Y/N) girl.. she's so dead." I could hear (Y/N)'s breathing increase so I whispered to her,
"Slender wont let Jeff kill you and if he does, he will get sevearly punished." I could see (Y/N)'s silhouette nod. The sound of Jeff going upstairs scared us a little. We knew that he was going to go into my room and probably try killing her then find out we aren't in there. It might sound like a good thing we aren't in there but then he knows we're out here somewhere and it's much scarier this way. We waited for a minute for Jeff to realise we weren't in there then come back downstairs to hunt us down. Then the sounds of footsteps going downstairs hit us again. (Y/N) gulped so I tried to calm her by hugging her, I felt my face grow red but atleast this most definitely calmed her.
"(Y/N)~ where are you, I just want to play~..." his hipnotising voice grew louder as he reached the kitchen. We started to panic more as we heard cupboards and cabinets opening. Jeff was going to find us regardless. I could hear the sounds of (Y/N) silently sobbing, lucky Jeff wouldn't be able to hear it. I comforted her by hugging her again, i dont think it worked this time so I carefully wiped the tears off her face. She sniffed and her sobbing stopped. Her face changed shape so I assumed she was smiling. We both waited for Jeff to open the right cabinet and kill us until I heard another set of footsteps go down the stairs.
"Jeff, what are you doing down here at such time..?!" It was Slender.
"(Y/N) stole my cookies..!"
"My question was 'why are you down here at such time' not 'who took your cookies'. Get to bed now! You shouldn't even be down for cookies at this time of night..!" Jeff groaned and walked away from the kitchen aswell as Slenderman.

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