~ Chapter 6 - This... isn't a prank..? ~

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Third person POV

"I'm so stuffeddddd...." You said, patting your full stomach and doing a few silent burps. You hopped off of your seat to go head back to the bedroom but then you saw the elf dude playing minecraft which caught you off guard. "YO CAN I PLAY MINECRAFT WITH YOU?" Ben turned his head and gave a big grin.
(Jk that didn't happen lmao)
You went back into the room but then you smelt something weird, a weird yet disgusting smell coming from.. you.. you smelt your armpits and almost died.
"Um, I need a shower.." recovering and turning your head to face the people at the table.
"Its down here, on the bottom floor through that small hallway. Its the first door on your left. Hoodie doesn't need to be with you while you're having a shower because the only possible exit is through a window or the front door and there isn't any window in the bathroom." You wrote down Slenders directions in a part of your brain and walked to the bathroom. "Also (Y/N), make sure you lock the door, some people like Ben will usually walk into the bathroom on purpose, some others on accident. Be very aware of that." You nodded and continued to walk to the bathroom. Finally you found it, you did what Slender said by locking the door then you got undressed. Half naked, you pull back the shower handle then proceed to undress. By the time you had finished undressing the shower was the temperature you wanted. It felt nice to have a shower after being stranded here for who knows how long. The droplets of water falling onto every strand of your hair, water falling from your head to toe, you were finally clean again. The thought honestly felt much better then the feeling of hot water. You grabbed conditioner from the tiny shower shelf and put some in your hair. Mixing the two, hair and conditioner. You rinsed off and hopped out the shower. The water made your (H/C) hair turn into a darker shade and your (H/T) hair to turn dead-straight. You grabbed a towel and dried your hair a little bit with it, having slightly wet hair didn't bother you at all. If anything you liked it better. You wrapped the towel around yourself, grabbed your clothes, put your smiley face mask on and walked out the bathroom, quickly dashing upstairs before anyone could notice you're just in a towel. To your surprise the door to the room you slept in was ajar open. You didn't think much of it but when walking in, you saw Hoodie sitting on the mattress, he was also looking at you, with a towel. He didn't think much of it though as it seemed.
"Sorry, want me to get out?" You nodded, but not trying to seem rude.
"I should be the sorry one, besides, this is your room."
"Its all good." He hopped off the bed and walked out the room.
"I'll only take 2 minutes." You shouted just enough so he could hear me from outside the room. Hoodie didn't respond. You were sure he did hear though. Quickly as possible, not to keep him waiting too long, you put on your AC/DC t-shirt and tucked it in with your navy blue jeans.
"I'm done!" Hoodie walked in and sat on his mattress.
"Cool shirt, I haven't listened to that band in forever."
"Also, would you rather me sleeping on that mattress and you on the bed? That is your bed after all.." Hoodie shook his head in disagreement.
"No don't be silly, you're our guest!" Still you felt bad for just yoinking his bed from him. But whatever he says. Then you thought of something. He was sure to agree this time. Hopefully..
"Want to take turns then? So its even?" But still he disagreed.
"No need (Y/N), I actually kind of like the mattress." You sighed and gave up hope. Then another plan popped into your head. Tonight, you were going to pick him up and put him on his bed, then you sleep on the mattress. This was surely going to work. Your hair wasn't dripping anymore and it had gone back to its usual colour and texture. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Both you and Hoodie jumped.
"Who is it?" Hoodie asked.
"Enter." The door opened and the tall man walked in.
"(Y/N) today its time for your training." You tilted your head, giving him a confused look to which he answered to. "You... lets just say... have powers..?" You tilted your head even more. Soon you laughed.
"Powers?! POWERS?! Baha!! What?! What kind of prank is this? Are you actually just my whole group of friends playing a huge prank on me?" Slenderman looked to Hoodie, then back to me.
"Prank? Why would we prank you?" You rolled your eyes.
"Haha funny now quit it. Is that you Jayden? How'd you get that costume? You made yourself so freaking tall!" You turned your head to face Hoodie. "Nice mask Wes. You managed to make it blink." You plunged yourself onto the bed. "That was the most scariest prank I've experianced if I have to be honest myself. Honestly, well done."
"(Y/N), this isnt a prank."
"Then show me my 'powers'."
"Sure thing. Right this way." Slender walked out the door and I followed. "Hoodie you come aswell to make sure (Y/N) doesn't run away during the training." You panicked a bit inside, was this actually real? Was this not even a prank? Were you really kidnapped..?

Hoodie x Reader - Met you at a restaurantWhere stories live. Discover now