~ Chapter 8 - The arguement ~

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Readers POV

"GAH!" I puffed intensely, sitting up from my bed in shock and horror. That's when I realised, I was back in Slenders mansion... "No no no no no NO!" A few tears fell down my face. It was all a dream.
"(Y/N) you okay?" Hoodie darted into the room and stopped when he saw me crying. He then walked up toward me and sat next to me. "What happened? Nightmare?" I nodded, wiping away my tears in embarrassment. "Well, anyway, its lunch time so.. you need to come down." Hoodie hopped off the bed and walked out, closing the door behind him. I sighed and got out of bed aswell. There was a familiar smell coming from downstairs. Bolognese? I walked down curiously and saw many plates with lasangne on them.
Haven't had that in a while..
I sat down on a seat and began to eat.
Delicious, who cooks these? Their food is amazing!
"Actually (Y/N) this is my cooking. I cook everything and not bothered by it since I have tentacles." I became flustered in embarrassment as I usually don't compliment people like this, hopefully we didn't speak more of this. I continued to eat but heard someone pull out the chair next to me and sit down. I looked over and saw it was a male with a white mask, black lips and eyes and fluffy hair.
"Hello, who are you?"
"Hey (Y/N) I'm Masky. I'm guessing your Hoodies girl since he's pretty much always following you." I blushed.
"N-no.. he's just.. yknow.. my protecter, wait, no.. he just makes sure that I don't escape this mansion or anything like that."
"Oh, anyway, got any powers?"
"Yeah telekinesis or something like that."
"Not bad.." The awkward conversation ended and we both continued to eat.
"Hey (Y/N)! And Masky.." Masky and I looked over to Hoodie.
"Hey Hoods." I chuckled.
"Are you flirting with me?"
"W-what?! No! Why the hell would I?"
"Someone stuttered~" I recognised that voice.. Ben..
"I stutter when I'm embarrassed.. not usually when I lie."
"I think you're lying right now." I turned to face Ben, giving him the death stare then go back to eating my food. I was starting this. "Someone doesn't want the truth to be revealed, hey?" Again I ignored him and went to put my plate on the sink. "Stop ignoring me!" I stopped and chuckled normally but looked angry.
"Shut up." I placed my plate on the sink and went back upstairs.
"Gosh you're such a party pooper."
"Fuck off short elf." I heard a few giggles but they surely weren't from Ben.
"Damnnn. Slender said you were nice." I turned my head to the side so I could just see him.
"I'm only nice to those who are nice back." I shrugged and continued my way to the room I was borrowing.

Hoodie POV

"Are you flirting with me?" I joked around, though (Y/N) took it seriously.
"W-what!? No! Why the hell would I?" Why did she stutter? Did she actually mean to flirt with me? No.. Slender told me she was very sensitive and kind but.. stubborn at some times.
"Someone stuttered~" Ugh, that dickhead, always thinking he's so cool. I didn't want to speak or argue with that twat at all. Though (Y/N) decided to stand up for herself and tell him the reason she did.
"I stutter when I'm embarrassed.. not usually when I lie."
"I think your lying right now." Ben always has to get into everything and make everyone miserable. (Y/N) didn't seem to be that bothered and was very calm, quite a cool trait to have. "Someone doesn't want the truth to be revealed, hey?" (Y/N) was ignoring Ben, she sat up to put her plate on the sink. I found it funny but I didn't want to piss her off my laughing or anything like that. "Stop ignoring me!" I just held my laugh inside. (Y/N) paused her walking and chuckled but she looked sort of angry, like she was evil or something
"Shut up." WOW! Didn't expect anything like that to come out of her mouth but I was glad because Ben deserved this.
"Gosh you're such a party pooper."
That sounds more like you Ben.
"Fuck off short elf." I giggled, I couldn't help it. Jeez (Y/N) was harsh but usually nice.
"Damnnn, Slender said you were nice." (Y/N) turned her head to the side and narrowed his eyes at Ben.
"I'm only nice to those who are nice back." Reasonable, I guess she was being honest. She shrugged and continued to make her way upstairs.
"Well she's picky."
"If you think she's picky now, watch her 'eat' something she hasn't tried before." Slender mentioned.
"No wonder she looks anorexic."
"Have you even seen an anorexic person Ben? It seems you don't know what anorexic looks like if you think she is."
"I mean.. no.."
"She's just skinny, anorexic is a whole different thing." Masky told Ben.
"Okay okay lets shut up." Ben hates when people gang up on him. I wanted to see if (Y/N) was doing okay, so I walked upstairs and went into the bedroom. I didn't make eye contact with her but in the corner of my eye I just saw her chilling on the mattress.
"You doing okay?" (Y/N) looked at me and I looked at her, she nodded. "Also isnt that where I sleep?"
"Its your room, I wouldn't want to take something that's yours." Ok gonna be honest, she's the sweetest. Other then back there with Ben but I can't blame her for standing up for herself. Besides, it was super funny.
"Fine fine." I sat on my bed, still having a guilty feeling. She didn't deserve to be on a mattress.
Knock knock
"Who is it?" I asked.
"Its just Slenderman."
"Come in." Slender walked in.
"Training tomorrow is very early, I need you up by 5 so be asleep early, maybe 9 o'clock."
"Okay. Hear that (Y/N)?"
"Excellent, i'll leave you two be (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) jk)." Slenderman exited and closed the door.
"Anyway I got a few missions to do now so you're coming with me and staying by my side. You don't have to watch the killing parts if you don't want to." (Y/N) sighed, I could hear the worry in it which made me frown. "I'm sorry, though its my duty to keep you here and for you to not run off."
"Why don't you trust me.." she whispered but I could just hear it. My heart throbbed. She sounded so worried and sad. I didn't want to do this to her but it was Slendermans orders.
"I do trust you (Y/N), but Slender doesn't. I have to follow his rules or I get punished." I slid down onto the mattress and patted her back. "You'll be fine." Then an idea popped into my head, I had noise cancelling headphones forwhenBenisyellingathisstupidvideogames and (Y/N) could wear them so she can't really hear the blood-curdling screams from the people that get murdered. I sat up and grabbed the noise cancelling headphones from the second drawer. "Here." I held out the headphones. She looked at them for a few seconds before quietly asking,
"What are those?"
"Noise cancelling headphones so you don't hear any screams, now come on, we should go before it gets too dark." She sat up and we walked out the bedroom.

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