~ Chapter 14 - The feeling of forgiveness ~

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Hoodie POV

It became really cold outside but that wasn't what I was disturbed and upset about.
Fuck fuck FUCK FUCK ME!!
I gripped onto my hair and no matter the pain, I wouldn't let go.
I'm such a fucking fool. I'm a sucker for her. Jesus what have I done.. She probably likes Jeff or something.. can't see her liking me..
This cause tears to roll down my face like droplets on a leaf.
I'm a killer anyway.. I shouldn't be worrying about love.. besides, I'm probably too young anyway.
I sighed and thought maybe it was the right choice. These words had made me madder and much more upset but also relaxed and cheered me. It was a weird feeling. It caused my heart to ache. I began to walk back to the mansion and once I got there many Slenderman instantly looked over at me.
"There you are Hoodie. Where were you?"
"But the mission time schedual ended 2 hours ago." (If it wasn't late the previous chapter then just pretend it is now cause I forgot lmao.) I just rolled and as I was about to go back to my room, the sight of (Y/N) in the corner of my eye caught me off guard. But not just that, she looked scared.. upset.. worried.. I tilted my head at her signalling her that I didn't know what was wrong. All (Y/N) did was look down to her side. So I continued to make my way upstairs and to the bedrooms. Though I was very curious, there was no need to interfere with her now. Maybe later when she looks.. happier.
Maybe it was my fault? Probably was. Sigh, I'm such a dork.
I jumped onto the mattress and groaned. Then I fell asleep.

The next day

I yawned and rubbed my eyes. The rubbing caused me to have grey dots all around my eyes. It only stayed for maybe 10 seconds then my brain hurt for a bit. Once it was all over, I look over to the bed to see (Y/N) sleeping.
She is so adorable, pity there's no chance she'll ever be mine..
I got up. It took me a bit to try and pull a fake smile but soon enough I did it. I walked out the room and to the dining table where everyone was eating and having a good time. Our normal cycle. Except today I had no vibe energy to be happy like everyone else, even if (Y/N) was happy, my thought would continue to put me down regardless. There were footsteps coming down the stairs and because there was only one seat left on the table, which was next to me, I was assuming it was (Y/N). It was, she sat down. I didn't want to pay much attention to her and she didn't seem to want to either. I finished and left (Y/N) to eat by herself. Actually I wouldn't say by herself but without me. After the dish I ate from was washed, I checked my missions and began to get ready. Clothes on, check. Weapons equipped, check. Out I went.

Reader POV

I sat next to Hoodie and guessing by his body language, he probably didn't want me here. I desperately wanted to talk to him and tell him that it was my fault and that I'm sorry but I didn't want to ruin his mood much more. Hoodie got up and left me to eat without him. I decided to try my hardest not to make any contact with him for a while and stay out of his way. Now I had finished so I washed my plate and went over to watch Ben play his video games since I really didnt have anything else to do. I didn't notice Hoodie leaving. Guessing he was on a mission or something.
"Wanna play Mario Kart with me?" Ben said though his eyes didn't leave the TV.
"Sure." I grabbed the controller, I didn't feel so scared about playing with Ben because we were in the lounge room and if he tried, people would probably stop him. Whilst playing I gave my best 'game-face' and Ben seemed to aswell. I bit my lip when we got towards the end of the race. We were tying in first place. The places were changing like crazy.
1st place, 2nd place, 1st place, 2nd place. We got to the finish line and didn't know who won because it was such a close match until the result came up.

Player 2 won!

Im guessing I was player 2 because Ben looked like he was going to cry. I laughed.
"Not funny! I worked so hard!" It caused me to laugh even more.
"Wanna rematch?" I asked Ben, smirking though he couldn't see it due to my mask.
"No you'll probably just embarrass me again." He sniffed and I laughed again but only for a short period of time.
"Okay loser." I walked back upstairs and into the room which reminded me of Hoodie. I became sad again and tried to brush it off. Ofcoarse it was hopeless so I just layer in my bed and read (F/B) (favourite book). Luckily this caught me off guard and didn't realise I was reading for so long until there was a knock on my door and a person saying.
"Lunch is served." I couldn't tell who's voice it was but it was definitely a male who didn't seem pleased by saying it.
I put my book on the side table and walked downstairs. Hoodie was already sitting there, just staring down at his plate. I'm guessing he was sad which caused me to be sad aswell. Ofcoarse again we didn't talk but a few minutes later I couldn't take this shit anymore. I needed to explain how sorry I really was.
"Hoodie I'm really sorry. If i made you upset, angry, any horrible emotion. And whatever I did, I didn't mean to." I looked down to my fiddling fingers and he just stared for a while. All of a sudden, I didn't catch it quickly but he had hugged me. Happiness flew through my body at the speed of light and I couldn't help but give my biggest grin, hugging him back. We heard some awe's but both of us completely ignored it. No one was going to ruin this moment for us.

Hoodie x Reader - Met you at a restaurantWhere stories live. Discover now