EXTRA 1/??

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This extra will hopefully include:
-Hoodies face reveal (since he was the waiter at the restraunt)
-More interesting addings (like more detail about you and him now)

WARNING: This is a lemon extra, you have been warned!

Reader POV

A beautiful Sunday morning. I look down at the mattress I made Hoodie sleep on. Hoodie was sleeping peacefully though it seemed like it was really late in the morning from how bright it was in the room.
"Hoodie?" I whispered. No response, not even a reaction. "Hoodie?" I whisper-shouted. Again, no reaction or response. "Hoodie?" I talked in my normal volume now. Nothing. "Hoodie!" Hoodie jumped and his eyes shot open. He looked over to me and instantly gave a calm expression with a sigh.
"Geez Y/N. Dont have to scare me like that!" We both laughed. After we stopped, Hoodies expression changed rapidly. To a frown. I gave him a confused look by tilting my head.
"What's up?" Hoodie sighed sadly.
"I need to tell you something. I cant tell if you'll be angry, upset or.. anything but..." I didn't take this as a good sign. I always thought of the negative before the positive. Hoodies hands went over to his mask/cloth (whatever you wanna call it) and hesitantly lifted it. For a slight second I was confused but then recognised his face from somewhere. The restraunt! My eyes widened. I didn't get how he could think I'd get upset over that. He was HANDSOME! I smiled, assuring him that I was fine with it to which he also smiled.
"You aren't upset?"
"Why would I be? You are literally the handsome waitress that was at the restraunt!" He chuckled.
"Thanks for the compliment." We both giggled for a little bit then he leaned in for a kiss to ofcoarse I gave back. This lasted for a while. The kissing became much more intense. Still in the kiss, Hoodie crawled onto my bed and on top of me which is where we made out for a while. He softly grabbed my wrists and put them above my head. I knew where this was going and honestly, I didn't mind it. The thought made a small moan break free from the kiss. This must have turned Hoodie on more because he started to lick my bottom lip for permission to which I obviously gave him. Instantly his tounge slipped into my mouth, exploring every little detail. Our tongues started partying together. Hoodies hands rubbed my sides and sneakily he lifted my shirt up. I didn't react. I wanted this. Needed it. I wanted to know what was under his shirt aswell so I lifted it to reveal his very fit body. He must've worked out a lot for his body. My hands flew around his 6 pack. They were like muscles but on the stomach... wait... Hoodie began to take off my pants. Once he did, he sat up and started to unbutton his jeans. Through his boxers revealed his boner. I was impressed by the length but was worried. This would obviously hurt. Espesially since I was a.. well.. I M A N A D U L T V I R G I N. Hoodie unclipped my bra and attacked. Like a predator who was close enough to their prey. I did a silent groan. Hoodie was teasing me, but I wouldn't let him win that easily. I pushed him over, stood over him and pulled his boxers down to reveal his huge front-side. I smirked and leaned down to be in line with it and you know what I began to do. The moans from Hoodie was music to my ears. Much better than anything I've heard. It just made my heart explode. So faster I went. I needed to hear more of it. This was my way of demanding it. Hoodie moaned louder. He gripped onto my hair and forced my speed. Perfect. His seeds flew into my mouth. I couldn't carry all of it though so the only option was to swallow. It wasn't the best taste. Quite bitter.. I cant explain. I sat up and crawled over to Hoodie so I could kiss him. We both kissed passionately for a while. Hoodie pulled my panties down and levelled his member. Once he got it positioned he pushed me down into it and let me go from there. All that was heard were moans. Once I was ready to speed up, I did. The moans and groans were growling louder each second. I finally reached my stage and let myself free, though Hoodie was not done there. He flipped me over and thrusted into me as deep as he could and in full speed. I made scream-like moans.
"I-I'm almost there... don't wo-orry..!" He panted louder and louder and gave his last thrust until finally filling me up. Hoodie pulled out and flopped over to the side. I have never been more tired in my life and it looks like Hoodie has never been either. Hoodie fell asleep right after that and so did I.


Hi guys I decided to add a part where he reveals to Y/N who he really was the whole time since I thought it would've been a good idea. Anyway I hope you enjoyed. Cya!~ ❤️

Hoodie x Reader - Met you at a restaurantWhere stories live. Discover now