~ Chapter 5 - The first breakfast ~

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Sorry I haven't been publishing story's lately, I was grounded and just got my devices back. :(

Reader POV

A beautiful sound of birds chirping filled my ears, the sunlight slightly peeping through the curtains and breaking free through my closed eyes. I rubbed my eyes and slowly opened them but as soon as I opened them, my sensitive eyes closed them ajar shut. It took atleast a minute to be able to freely open my eyes without it bothering me but soon I realised.. this wasn't my room.. that was when I remembered.. I had been kidnapped...
This caused my eyes to shoot much wider then I heard a groan, a male groan..
"Mph.." the sound was coming from the floor next to me. Worried, I slowly peeped my head to look down on the ground.
"AHH!!" I saw the man from yesterday night on a mattress on the ground. I flung the bed covers over my entire body, trying to prevent my shaking. The slight sound of the man standing up scared me a little, he definitely knew I was under here, if only my hiding skills were better.
"Hm I wonder where she is." He put on a sarcastic tone, mocking me. It pissed me off a little so I rolled my eyes. Without any notice, the bedsheets were flung off the bed to reveal a man wearing a black mask with blood-red eyes. Somehow they were blinking which confused me a little.
"Boo." I tsked and hopped off the bed, taking a few steps back from him.
"Who even are you anyway..."
"The names Hoodie."
What a weird name.. I'm certain that isnt his real name..
"What's your real name?" The man ignored me taking a few steps forward to slightly but not exactly tower over me. He was much taller than me, he looked around 6'3-6'4.
"My real name isn't important." Quickly I checked to see if I had my mask on to my surprise it was.
"Anyway ima head o-" I said whilst walking over to the bedroom door but I was cut off by someone grabbing my hand forcefully.
"Not today miss." The man then opened the bedroom door. "Come and meet the others." I quietly growled which caused him to chuckle. We went down the stairwell which was the shape of half a circle, there were another set of stairs on the other side of the mansion looking place which almost filled in the stairway circle, though they weren't attached. I looked around and saw many people at the table, they all kind of creeped me out because they didn't look like the normal human you see everyday. One person who especially scared me was this one guy who wore a white hoodie, eyes that seemed to not have any eyelids, long, black hair, super pale skin and a carved smile. His appearance caused a huge gulp to come out my mouth. A really tall, also very pale, faceless man looked at us, or that's what it seemed he was doing.
"Hoodie, why is she out of her room?" The faceless man gave a demanding yet calm shout.
"I think we can possibly trust her."
"I'm not sure we're re-"
"What so we're just going to starve her for days?" Hoodie glared at the faceless man. "Come on Slender!" The faceless man also known as Slender gave it a think. Then sighed.
"Fine, there are two spare seats next to eachother but if you really want her to freely walk around this mansion, I'm trusting you to keep an eye on her all of the time." Hoodie nodded and went over to the remaining two seats. Luckily for me I knew how to still keep my bottom part of my face covered while eating. There were many plates in the middle filled with different breakfasts to eat. There were pancakes, bacon and eggs and hardley any waffles left. There were also toppings to put on the waffles or pancakes. I reached in to grab (F/F) (favourite food) and (F/T) (favourite topping.) To me, this place didn't seem so bad food-wise though I wasn't 100% sure about the people, but like my mother said, 'don't judge a book by its cover.' I dug into the food, closing my eyes and pleasantly eating the delicious taste of food that I haven't bee given for some time. Hoodie could tell I was enjoying breakfast.
"Tasty?" He chuckled. I opened my eyes and smiled, facing towards him and nodding. Once again Hoodie chuckled and continued to enjoy his breakfast aswell.
"Hey girl." My eyes followed the sound and they landed on a quite short looking elf. The elf had blonde hair and wore a green hat aswell as green clothes.
"Hey elf dude... thing.." He looked a bit angry but the expression soon wore off.
"The names Ben, how about you." I thought about it, all the time away from the earth and uncontious for many days caused me to forget my own name. My face became flustered in embarrassment, I couldn't seem to remember my own name.
"Her names (Y/N)." Slender said to Ben.
"What a boring name." Ben continued to eat his waffle with bacon and eggs on the side.
I ignored him and continued to eat my own breakfast.

Hoodie x Reader - Met you at a restaurantWhere stories live. Discover now