~ Chapter 7 - Awoken ~

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Reader POV

"What is my power..? I-if this isn't a prank ofcoarse... I highly believe this is a prank until its proved not." I demanded.
"Ofcoarse, Hoodie, grab something, anything, even just a twig." Hoodie nodded and went into the forest barrier to look for something. In an instant he was back, holding a stick that looked like it had just been ripped freshly from a tree. "Perfect." Slender politely took the stick and sat it a few metres away from me. "Now (Y/N), close your eyes and imagine bending this stick until it snaps, but concentrate as hard as you can, dont get distracted by ANYTHING." I took his word, closed my eyes and thought deeply. I imagined the stick that was in front of me snapping, but it was... hard... very hard to imagine this. Why wouldn't it just break in my imagination? I struggled and struggled and just gave up. I was all puffed out.
"I think I should grab a twig instead Slender."
"Indeed.." Hoodie went back into the forest to look for a twig. But how was imagining breaking a stick a power? Anyone can do that. Again Hoodie was back with a twig. Slender took it and replaced the stick with a twig. "Now try (Y/N)." Slightly confused on what was happening I closed my eyes and began to imagine breaking the twig, I struggled but eventually broke it.
"I did it, now what?"
"Well, look at the twig." The twig was broken. I chuckled, believing this wasn't true.
"Ofcoarse you didn't break it yourself."
"Want us to place a camera?"
"Yup." Slender went back into the mansion to look for a camera.
"Hoodie, while I go get the camera could you get another twig?"
"You guys are gonna get exposed in a second." I giggled.
"You'll see.." Hoodie inturupted, he was leaning against a tree and a small smirk on his face, he then went off to find a twig. By the time Hoodie came back with another twig, Slender had also come back with a small camera and set it. He seemed to already start the recording. Slenderman grabbed the twig from Hoodie and placed it in front of the camera.
"Take your time (Y/N)." I ignored him and began to imagine breaking the twig. I didn't struggle as much this time but it still took some power to be able to break this twig. Maybe they weren't lying? How is this possible.. wait.. I've heard of this power before.. is it... telekenisis? I think that was it. The twig in my imagination had snapped so I opened my eyes and again, it was broken in front of me.
"Okay, now lets see the video." Slender and I walked towards the camera and picked it up. Honestly, I'd believe anything on there, it wasn't possible to edit a twig snapping in just around 30 seconds. So when it was played, I was proved wrong. The twig had snapped. My eyes widened and Hoodie must've noticed because he said,
"Who were you exposing?"
"Shut up Hoods.."
"'Hoods'? What kind of name is that?"
"The name I'm calling you for now on."
"Someone's mad."
"Fuck off."
"Hey hey, no need to start a fight!" Slenderman inturputed. "(Y/N), we have proved to you that you do have powers I'm guessing?"
"Whatever." I went back inside and into the room I share with Hoodie. Once I got in I flopped myself onto the bed and thought about my powers, it couldn't be possible! It had to be fake!
I need a nap...
Your eyes closed and soon enough you fell into a deep sleep.

"(Y/N)! you're awake!!" Friend 2 shouted, turning her head around so other people could hear. I opened my eyes and instantly rubbed them from the unpredictable light. I slowly sat up, now rubbing the back of my neck.
"(Y/N)!" Most people I knew were here. Some crying.
"You were in a coma for 6 weeks!" So many people were talking at a time that I couldn't process anything. My dad hugged me tightly, I could hear him silently sobbing.
"How.. how did this happen..?"
"You just tripped and.. that was it.. they said you were still alive but, yeah.." I got off the hospital bed slowly then a nurse walked in.
"I heard she woke up?" I smiled softly and got to my feet. I almost tripped but I soon got the hang of walking again. The nurse walked over to my mum who was standing around 3 feet away from my hospital bed. The nurse said something to my mum but it was all muffled and handed her a piece of paper with a pen. My mum frowned, grabbed the pen and wrote something on the bottom of the paper. I'm guessing she was signing something. This was probably the payment for my time in hospital, we didn't have that much money so I'm guessing it was quite a bit of money. I then remembered something.. wasn't I in 'Slendermans' mansion and have telekinisis? That was definitely a dream. I was glad to be back with everybody.
"Lets go." My dad whispered happily into my ear. Everyone walked out of the hospital.
"I'm glad you woke up (Y/N), we missed you a ton." Friend 1 told me, patting my back. I smiled. I was glad my friends were supporting me like this. And though they needed to go their own way back home, I was still happy.
"Ready to go back home?" My dad turned his head from the drivers seat.
"Yeah! More then ready!" I was so excited to finally go back to my own bed and not be locked up in Slenders mansion.
"Alrighty!" My mum gave a chuckle and dad started the car. Off we were, finally out the hospital.
"As a celebration, were going to the ice cream shop and sit on the beach." I smiled then looked out the window next to me. It was nice to be back to reality.
"The payment was so much.. were even more broke now.." my mother sighed. Dad slammed his hands on the steering wheel and turned to face mum.
"Can you stop complaining! Not everything is going to be free in life just because we're bro-"
"(D/N) WATCH OUT!" Dad turned back to face the road. A truck was about to hit us. He turned the steering wheel sharply and.. that was it.. darkness..

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