~ Chapter 12 - Do I like him? ~

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Hoodie POV

I sat up slowly then a huge pain shot in my head. I'm guessing I had a really bad headache.
"Hoodie!" (Y/N) sat up and looked down over me, smiling.
"Hey.. what happened..?"
"Pretty sure Ben hit you really hard in the head with his controller." She giggled. It was so cute that it caused me to giggle aswell. "How are you feeling?"
"Bad.. it stings quite a bit..."
"Says the killer with a fucking six pack." (Y/N) chuckled and so did I. "On a scale from 0-10 how much does it hurt?"
"Uh.. maybe a 6.5?"
"Hm.. yeah.. mind if I take that mask thing off and check it?"
"..Maybe just midway.." if (Y/N) took it all off, she might recognise me from the restraunt we met at. She respected it and only took it off midway, pushing my hair back slowly to look at the hit. I heard her wince.
"Damn.. that looks painful. You sure its only a 6.5?"
"'I'm a killer with a fucking six pack'" (Y/N) began to laugh and I did aswell.
"Your hair reminds me of a specific someone, I'm not sure who though." I cleared my throat, slowly pulling the mask back down over my face.
"Don't know.." was all I could think of.
"I'm going to quickly get Slenderman and tell him you're okay." She said making her way to the door, I was feeling thirsty so I asked her,
"Also, do you mind getting me a glass of water on the way?" (Y/N) stopped to talk.
"I wouldn't mind." She then continued. Waiting for her to come back, I listened to the harmony of the birds chirping, it really calmed me and made my head feel a little less painful. It was like a medicine itself. It all went in a flash when (Y/N) came back with Slenderman.
"How are you feeling?" Slenderman asked, walking over to the side of the bed I was laying in.
"Its kinda painful but I've been through much worse as you would know." He nodded. (Y/N) placed the glass of water onto the side table. I grabbed it almost instantly, lifted my mask just to my mouth and drank it. It was all gone in a few seconds.
"Need anymore?"
"No, I'll be fine for now, thanks." I easily lay back down and a shot of relaxation and pain flew through me so there were very weird mixes of emotions. Slenderman laid his tentacle on my shoulder.
"You need to rest your head for a little bit more."
"O-ok.." Slenderman was almost always right so I usually obeyed him unless I thought it was important. Almost instantly I fell asleep.

Reader POV

Hoodie had fallen asleep.
How cute.. wait what the hell am I thinking?!
I shook my head, trying to get that thought out of my brain.
Maybe some water would help. Then off to the kitchen!
I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, just taking tiny sips because I wasn't that thirsty. I sighed. These thought were still in my head.
Do I like him? After only a few days? He's only someone that watches over me to make sure I don't go out. I bet he doesn't even want you in his room inturrupting his privacy. Am I just a waste of space here?
I shook my head once again and placed the glass into the sink, trying to think of something more positive.
Maybe TV would get the thoughts to fade away for a while?
I walked to the TV room. Ben was the only one sitting there. It probably wasn't the best idea to go near him for a while, especially alone. So I walked back into the room and took a nap.

Suddenly I woke up to the feeling of being watched. I didn't feel comfortable so just incase it was Ben, I opened my eyes and saw Hoodie in the room. For the slightest second I caught him watching me but he had turned his head around.
"Oh h-hey." He tapped his index fingers together.
"Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah. Slender just wanted to say it was dinner time."

(Btw Hoodie was uncontious for a few hours so he missed lunch.)

"Okay." I wanted to ask him why he was looking at me but didn't bother. Making it awkward for him was the wrong idea. We both walked downstairs and ofcoarse, sat next to eachother on the table. Tonight there was (F/S) soup. Yum! It smelt so nice aswell. Instantly I dug in. Honestly, I never thought anyone could make better (F/S) soup then my mum but this.. this was too good for words. I didn't want to finish eating it but I knew sooner or later it will come to an end.
"You're definitely enjoying yourself." Someone next to me said. Sitting there was a woman maybe only a few years older than me. She looked around 5'7 and wore a white mask, kind of like Masky's. She also had long black hair which sort of looked like a wig but I could never be so sure.
"Heh, yeah."
"So you're (Y/N) I assume knowing that I haven't seen you around before yet?" I nodded, I didn't answer because I had a mouthful of soup in my mouth. "Well then, my names Jane. Jeffs worst nightmare." Jane giggled.
"I heard that!" Jeff said all the way from the other side of the huge table. Jane and I laughed. Jeff being annoyed randomly made me laugh.
"How do you make friends with everyone Jane?" Ben asked.
"You just don't have friends cause you're short as fuck." I laughed so hard that I started to cry a little. Jane almost fell off her chair.
"Continue to eat girls." Slenderman said with his calm, English accent. We both obeyed and resumed.

After dinner

"Hey! Anyone wanna play a game?" Jane shouted so everybody could hear. Most people seemed to agree so I agreed aswell just to fit in.
"Jane always comes up with the dirtiest games (Y/N), you fine with it?" Hoodie asked, walking over to Jane with me.
"Ofcoarse, atleast this way I can become closer with others."
"Okay then..."

Hoodie x Reader - Met you at a restaurantWhere stories live. Discover now