~ Chapter 4 - Attempted escape ~

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Why was I even trying anymore?
I was locked in here for good..
I was kidnapped until I start to rot in here and die then they will throw me out..
My stomach grumbled in pain, I hadn't eaten for a long time. I haven't been keeping track of time and how many days.. or weeks I've been down here..
All of a sudden I heard a click of the basement door, my eyes widened. I hope they brang me food. I was needing food. Honestly, I'd probably have a breakdown if there wasn't food. And there Slender was, with my things but... no food. With my dehydrated breath I begged for food and water.
"Food.. w-water.." All of a sudden I heard a voice in my head.
Child.. m-my child.. this is the only way you can become one of us. I know I sound.. crazy..? Saying this but.. you need to die to become a proxy
I looked at him with shock and confusion, not only that I needed to die to become 'one of them' but what exactly did he mean by 'my child'?
"What so I'm going to just stay in pain for a few more minutes or hours or days or weeks or-"
Minutes, Y/N minutes, then I can track you down easier once you become one of us. That way you'll be allowed to be freed from the chains..!
I was going to die in a few minutes..? N-no.. I didn't want to die.. I didn't want become these... immortal? Creatures.. I just wanted to live a normal life like I used to be living until I CAME HERE!... and now my death would come so soon...? I closed my eyes a little bit in sadness. footsteps were heard going into the corner of the basement room. My stomach hurt so bad.. I clung onto it, there was a big pain in my stomach. I groaned and moaned. Suddenly feeling light headed then.. I blacked out..

"Mmf.." I stretched and rubbed my eyes, a yawn unexpectedly came out my mouth. I sat up and saw that I was in a room, which had posters like the room in my house, there were also some other band posters I didn't know about but.. nothing else was the same.. the room was much bigger with white, wooden walls instead of the average light gray wall. My closet wasn't in the same spot anymore, neither was my bed, it wasn't even the same bed anymore, this bed looked like a queen bed instead of a single. The floors were also a nice, modern looking wood instead of a navy blue carpet and by my side.. am I missing or forgetting something? Did my house get renovated and I don't even remember about it? I sat up, stretching multiple times before hopping out of bed and moving towards the door attempting to open it, it wouldn't budge... I tried a few more times then started to bang my hand on the door, hoping someone would come to help me out. A few seconds passed, my only hope was to try again and still nothing happened.
"Mum? Dad? ... Anyone..?"
Feeling concern and worry in my body that maybe the door was jammed or something and no one was here to help, I scavenged for my phone. It was no where in sight.
"What..?" Still I continued to look for it but again. No hope. I was stuck and no one was here to help me.
My parents should come home soon though.. they couldn't have just left me..?
I lay in my bed and closed my eyes, hoping by the time I wake up they'd be here.

My eyes opened. Again I went over to the door and tried to get someone to help me out. No one.
Where are they? How long have I been sleeping for? ... how long have I been in here for..?
My anxiety grew but I was sure that they didn't just leave me. Maybe I only slept for a little bit? I didn't know what to do so walking around the room was the funniest thing I could do. A random urge to shout for help entered me. I respected that, thinking maybe it was a good idea.
"HELP!! SOMEONE!?" I waited for a response. Nothing. I grabbed the sad face mask that was on the side table and then thoughts started to sprout into my head.
Was I really alone? Did my parents really leave me? .. am I even in my own home..?
I figured it out. I couldn't have been in my own home. Whoever kidnapped me tried to make it look like my room so I wouldn't scream or panic or anything. Frustration, anger and anxiety grew into me. I ran to the door trying to beat it down. It was no use.. strong or not, this door was like METAL. I sighed sadly and began to cry whilst walking over to the bed I then suddenly fell asleep in. Not bothering to take my mask off. I usually slept in it anyway so what was the deal?

My eyes shot open and I lifted my head.
There at my door stood a full-face-masked man. I'm guessing he was my kidnapper? I gulped. Though he only looked a few years older then me so I wasn't as scared as I'd be if it was some dude in their mid 50's. He was holding a bowl which I could slightly see looked like cereal. Though it was just cereal, my mouth started to drool. He couldn't see that because I had a mouth mask on.
"Y/N. Your food." I couldn't see that well but it kind of looked like the red eyes on his mask were... blinking..? The boy placed the bowl on my side table where most of my stuff was.
"W-what am I doing here..?" I asked him, hoping it wasn't anything that could make him mad.
"You'll find out soon." That's all he said until he left the room and locked the door. Once again.. I was all alone.. how long was I going to be in here for.. I couldn't stand it. I felt trapped even though it was a huge room, bigger then my room at my house. Then an idea struck me.
Are my parents okay? They must me so sad and depressed.. my friends.. my whole family.. the people I love and the people who love me... everyone I know.. how must they be feeling right this second...
I felt like crying. I wanted to hold it in but it was to late. Little sniffs came uncontrollably out of me as I sobbed.

Hoodie POV

"I feel so damn bad for her.." I whispered to myself, walking down the long, steep stairs of this mansion. a noise then caught my attention. Was that.. sobbing? My head turned into the direction the sobbing was. I began to walk up slowly, trying to keep track of the sobbing. The sound became louder and louder and it led me to Y/N's room.. slowly I unlocked it, the sobbing then stopped once I opened the door. There Y/N was, tears filled in her eyes. I saw that she hadn't even touched her cereal. I walked over to her and sat down on the bed she was also sitting on.
"Y/N.. what's wrong..?" She looked directly away from my face.
"I haven't cried in years.. this feels so weird.."
"Is something upsetting you..?"
"WELL WHAT DO YOU THINK? IVE BEEN KIDDNAPPED BY YOU AND WHO KNOWS WHAT KIND OF PROBLEMS ARE HAPPENING TO NOT ONLY ME, BUT TO EVERYONE I KNOW? IS THERE SOMETHING FUCKING UPSETTING ME? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MI-" I covered her mouth, not liking the attitude and language that was bursting out her mouth. She began to cry more. I cant stand when people cry, it makes me feel like crying to. I decided not to look into her eyes to avoid tears falling out of mine aswell as hers. I looked up at the ceiling. There were only a few, tiny bits of ripped paint on the ceiling but you could hardley see it anyway. All of a sudden there were running footsteps which where heard dashing out the door. I looked back down to see Y/N wasnt there anymore.
Shit, why did I leave the door open? Slender gonna kill me!
I ran as fast as I could over to the stairway, down there I saw Y/N, desperately trying to open the door, her heavy breathing could be heard from up here. I ran down, not as fast this time and grabbed her by the wrists. Before she could shout I covered her mouth with my hand and took her back to her room like she was a prisoner. All the was heard from her were her muffled screams. There was attitude added to the shouts, I could hear it. I slightly chuckled and shook my head at her stupid attempts to get me to remove my hands. I placed her on her bed and dashed out the room, quickly locking it behind me. Less then a second later there was banging and shouting. I laughed it all off and went back downstairs to watch TV. Then I realised something...
Am I really going to have to sleep in the same room as her..?

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