~ Chapter 3 - Grabbing Y/N's stuff ~

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Third view POV

Slender knew you quite well, he reads minds and not creepily, stalks people who think will have the chance of becoming the newest proxy.
You were sort of insecure about your face.
He thought maybe he should just do atleast something nice for you.
In the room of yours at your house he knew you had multiple masks, an ushanka (which can have Soviet Union symbol on it if you want idk) slightly tinted glasses and her most favourite clothes, the retro ones. (I'm going to use my CP oc for this idk why xD.) The masks you had were a doctors mask which you were strangely most comfortable wearing around and then 4 black masks. One of the black masks had a cheeky, huge, sharp teeth grin on it, another had a cartoony sad face on it, the other had a cartoony smile on it. The other one you didn't use incase all the other masks were broken or loss. It had a panda face on it. The reason you only wore it for that use is because people used to give you cute compliments for it. You hated being called cute. But what you hated more was showing your face and Slender respected that. Though slender wasn't getting those masks himself, no. He looked way to suspicious. His tall over 12ft body and pale, faceless head would stand out to almost everybody. Most people would probably know who he is due to rumours. Slender went to go find Hoodie only to see that he was watching TV with Masky and Toby.
"Hoodie, I have a short mission for you." Hoodie turned his head over to Slender.
"What do you mean 'short' mission?"
"I want you to sprint over to Y/N's house and collect an ushanka, ALL of her retro shirts, a mixture of whatever leg wear she had like shorts, jeans, skirts etc., tinted glasses and her collection of masks, 4 black masks that have the expressions of a cartoony smile, cartoony frown, panda and a huge grin with sharp, pointy teeth. And an extra, a doctors mask." Hoodie sighed and nodded. Hoodie knew that he did the least during last mission.
"Fine fine, I'll go.." Hoodie hesitantly took off his mask and placed it on the arm of the couch. Slender snapped his fingers and gave you the mindset to know where her house is located.

Hoodie POV

I ran out of the door, shutting and locking it behind me. Then off I went, sprinting through the forest trees. Every tree I jumped on rustled outrageously. In a few minutes I made it back into the city where Y/N lived. Looking around, there was no sight of Y/N's house just yet.
Why did she need those stupid masks and things anyway? I understand the clothes but..-
Then I realised I wear a mask because I hate the compliments I get about my face... no flex.
Maybe she was the same? Maybe she wanted to cover her face for that exact reason aswell? I mean, last time I saw her.. she was quite pretty..
I slapped my head. Why the hell would I even think that. Ignoring myself for the time-being, I jumped off the tree while no one was watching and starte dot casually walk through the city, eyeing every building and house there was. Then there it was, I had found it so easily. There in my eyes stood Y/N's two story house. Hopefully her bedroom was wherever her family wasn't and that they were hopefully not mourning over the kidnapping of Y/N. Lucky the house was in a quiet street where no one would walk by and see me so, I started to climb up the wall. Years of training I had to do to be able to do this. I had one hand on the wall thingy outside of the window that held Y/N's flowers. Giving it enough sunlight and rain. Another hand was on the top part of the window which I used to keep myself up while looking through the window. No one was there. Taking this as my chance to look for and grab the things she needed, I opened the window slowly, hopefully not grabbing the attention of anyone in the house. The window hardley made a sound so I jumped in and started to look for the list of things Slender had requested, but ofcoarse I got distracted by a few things in her room. On her walls were posters, some of the Rolling Stones, some of Imagine Dragons, and the rest of them were just some retro looking band posters. I thought she might have wanted those for her future room in the Creepypasta mansion. My hoodie can somehow fit anything so I took a few, not all of them because then Y/N's parents would get suspicious. I took a Rolling Stones poster off, AC/DC and Roxette. I looked through some closets which also had retro looking shirts. A Mean Girls shirt, a Rolling Stones shirt, AC/DC, The Beatles shirt. There were even some shirts she had the people from around the 80's wore when it was in fashion. I looked through the pants drawers to find that it was everything in there was normal to these days leg wear, I guess they haven't really changed nowadays.
"Sick..!" I whisper shouted, admired by her room.
Not going to lie Y/N's room looked pretty sick. Her room screamed personality and it was cool just by the things in her room how much I can know about this girl. Before I closed the closet, sitting on a few drawers in her closet were all of her masks, an ushanka her tinted glasses, and ofcoarse, the clothes in her closet (duh.) Everything was here. Atleast this way I could get out quickly, avoiding the stress of anyone coming into the room to see me there. I quickly grabbed them all and jumped out of the window. I was already dead so it didn't hurt. Stuffing them all into the hoodie pocket, I ran back into the forest, through all the trees and back to the mansion. Puffed out I unlocked and opened the door wide open. As I got in, I put my mask back on and hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath.
"Thank you Hoodie, I'll grab them and pass it to her."
Damn it.. I wanted to remember what her face looked like..
"I understand you want to remember what her face looked like but I know she wouldn't feel comfortable that way."
I sighed.
"Fine.." I said, looking away in sadness. I reached in for my hoodie pocket and took out everything. Slender counted if everything was there.
"Shirts.. leg wear.... posters? I guess we can have an extra to add to her future room to make it more lively... ushanka....... all the masks...! And ofcoarse her tinted glasses. Excellent Hoodie, you got everything in the nick of time!" I slightly grinned, going back to the couch and putting my mask on, ready to watch more TV.

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