~ Chapter 13 - Hoodie snaps ~

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Reader POV

"Wait.. did you say truth or dare?"
"Ofcoarse what else?" I thought about it.
"Dare or truth..?" Jane tsked.
"Who's going first?" No one said anything for a slight second but then Ben put his hand up. "Other than Ben." Ben groaned and crossed his arms. Masky then put his hand up. "Okie dokie Masky."
"Uh.. Toby truth or dare."
"I dare you to steal one of Jeff's cookies." Toby's face was priceless. I couldn't help but laugh. Jeff was giving him the 'if you do I'm going to kill you' face. Pretty much a death stare.
"Sorry Jeff, i-it's a dare.." Toby sat up and walked to the cupboard that Jeff keeps his cookies. He hesitated but grabbed one and ate it.
"You're dead." Toby gave a slightly girly scream and ran away. Everyone was laughing their heads off.
"I'll go check if Toby's okay." Kagokao sat up and walked around to look for Toby.
"Who was that?" I whispered to Hoodie.
"Kagekao, Japanese demon." Everyone waited for Kagekao to find Toby so we could continue playing.
"Should we go look for Toby aswell?" Hoodie hesitated and then nodded. We both got up and started looking. Closets, rooms, outside even. Jeff probably had him and hid him well.
"Gosh Jeff must have caught him. Wouldn't be surprised." I chuckled though it was a worried chuckle.
"I hope we find him.." Hoodie didn't say anything for a few seconds.
"Yeah.." A few seconds later of awkward silence, we bumped into Kagekao.
"Oh hello, I has found Toby and Jeff." I'm guessing he didn't know much English? I looked over at Toby and he had many cuts, bruises and scratches.
"Are you okay?"
"Y-y-yeah.. I think.."
"Toby you're such a-"
"Oh shut up Jeff." Hoodie said. "Lets go back now." We all agreed and walked back downstairs.
"Finally!" Ben groaned. "I was this close to going back to playing my video games!"
"Gosh Ben you party pooper shut up." Masky said, purposly using a monotone voice. We sat back down and Toby stayed as far as possible from Jeff.
"Toby its your turn." He snapped back into reality.
"Oh y-yeah. Jeff truth or dare?"
"I dare you t-to stop fucking scaring and h-hurting me!"
"But its a dare!"
"Fine, but don't expect me to do it forever."
"How long then?"
"20-30 minutes?" Toby just sighed and gave up. "Hoodie truth or dare."
"Uh.. truth?"
"Do you have a crush on the new girl? You seem to be around her almost all the time." Hoodie didn't respond for a while.
"I-I don't know? I don't know if I like anyone.."
"Don't give me this shit. Tell me."
"I'm being serious!"
"Fine, but you'll have to tell us one day." I don't know why but.. my heart was aching, it wasn't in a good way.
I cant actually be liking him.. I don't even know what he looks like under that piece of cloth!
I didn't notice until now that I was glaring at Hoodie, not with a creepy expression but with a normal one. I looked away and didn't talk anything about it.
"You're lying." Jane said.
"I see the way you look at her."
"I look at her because I was given the job to watch over her specifically from Slenderman."
"You look at her like you like her, there's a difference."
"You can't even see my face Jane!"
"But you stare, even at times when you know there isn't a chance she'll be able to escape." Hoodie didn't say anything else after that and just looked at me. I didn't know what to do. So I pretended I didn't know what was happening.
"What's happening?" Jane face palmed.
"(Y/N), Hoodie has an extreme crush on you."
"What!? That isn't true (Y/N)!"
"Heh, I know." I didn't want to make it awkward or upsetting for Hoodie.
"Well then, You'll find out soon enough. Hoodie, your turn."
"I actually don't feel like playing anymore to be honest.." Hoodie sat up and left to go upstairs. I felt bad so I followed him.
"Geez maybe he's the party pooper.." Jane mumbled.
"What." He sounded a bit annoyed. I gulped.
"Sorry.. I didn't mean to make you annoyed or upse-"
"That should be Jane saying it not you." He looked a little emotionless.
"I-I guess, but let me say it for Jane." I sadly chuckled, I got no response for a few seconds.
"Could I please have some alone time, (Y/N)?" I didn't respond, but hesitantly, I hugged him.
"Ofcoarse Hoodie." I let go and walked back down, but not back down to the circle. Instead I went into the hallway then to the bathroom and silently cried.
This is my fault.. I know, I can tell that he's upset with not just Jane but also me.. mayb-
I was interrupted by a knock on the bathroom door. Quickly, I tried to calm myself down so it didn't sound suspicious that I was crying.
"W-who is it..?" Stupid stutter! There wasn't a respond though. So I unlocked the door and saw Hoodie for a second until he hugged me.
"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to snap at you like that."
"Its fine Hoodie, I should've been able to tell that you needed some alone time and respected it instead of going up to talk to you.."
"No (Y/N), the hug made me feel 100 times better." I smiled.
"I'm glad."
"Told yall." Jane snickered.
"Shut up Jane.." Hoodie growled.
"Awh~ how c- NGH!" Hoodie let go of me and was now choking Jane.
"What did I just say!?" Jane was struggling under his grip. Almost everyone was panicking.
"H-Hoodie stop!" I snapped. He looked over to me and I could tell it was a shocking expression. Hoodie let go of Jane and she collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath.
"W-what the fuck is *cough* wrong with you?!" He ignored Jane.
"I'm sorry (Y/N), I just got a little.. mad.."
"A little? A little? A little mad for choking her?" Hoodie sighed in sadness. I deeply exhaled and helped Jane up.
"Thanks (Y/N), atleast someone appreciates me."
"Need some water or something?"
"Just a rest, thank you (Y/N)." People were crowding around Hoodie and some around Jane and I. I could hear,
"Jane are you okay?"
"What's his problem.."
"That looked like it hurt." And a lot more that I couldn't understand because too many people were talking at once. I got Jane to direct me to her room since I'm only new and didn't know where many things were. Once we got to her room and rested her down, I immediately went to find Hoodie. Sadly I couldn't seem to find him anywhere. Slenderman was probably talking to him or something.

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