~ Chapter 9 - I just wanted to feel them... ~

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Hoodie POV

Hear lay my first victims house. I looked over to (Y/N) and could sense her worry.
"Soon, you'll be in my shoes, killing others." She seemed to get a little offended by that.
"Never ever. No one would have ever thought about me killing. I'm too sensitive. I also put other befo-"
"Yeah yeah okay. I even thought that at first but you'll soon realise how much you're worth." I realised that that sounded like I was confessing something to her but she didn't seem to be thinking the same way as I was with that sentence.
"Whatever. We'll see."
"Bet." That's where our conversation ended and we crept inside the house. I heard my victim talking to someone on the phone. We waited for him to end the call. Once he did I whispered to (Y/N) to stay where she was while I go in. That made her put her hands on the headphones and push them more to her ears. How cute. I stormed in, threatening the male with a knife Slenderman had given me a few days ago. My victim became paralysed, his lip trembling. I could see him slowly making a few steps back. I love when my victims don't scream at first but only when I kill them. It was getting a bit boring because my victim wasn't giving me a good enough reaction so I just leaped on him and sliced his neck, leaving him to die. I watched my victim die, it took around a minute or two before he stopped moving, meaning he died. I walked out and saw (Y/N) leaning against the wall with her legs crossed on the ground. She instantly looked around me with horror. There must've been a few blood spots. I gave her a 'sit up' signal so we could leave. (Y/N) seemed to understand and stood up. We quickly ran out the house, down the alleyway and back into the forest. Once we were back at Slenders mansion, I told Jeff to watch (Y/N) while I have a shower. Surprisingly, he seemed fine with that. "(Y/N), I'm going to go have a shower so Jeff- the male with a cut smile, no eyelids and a white hoodie will watch you." She looked a bit scared but nodded slowly. I smiled and walked into the bathroom.

Reader POV

"(Y/N), I'm going to go have a shower so Jeff- the male with a cut smile, no eyelids and a white hoodie will watch you." I knew exactly who Hoodie was talking about. That was the one I was scared of but then thought,
Maybe this way I can get to know uh.. Jeff? And maybe find out that he isn't that bad.
I slowly nodded to Hoodie. I couldn't see his face but I assumed that from the way his mask moved, that he was smiling. Once Hoodie started walking back to the bathroom, I smiled back and slowly walked over to Jeff. He was sitting on the couch watching TV, but as soon as I moved he looked over at me. Once I got over to the lounge room, I sat on the opposite couch from him.
"So you're our newest creepypasta hey?"
"I- I guess.."
"Do you have the stutters like Toby?" he laughed.
"Whos 'Toby'?"
"The boy on my left." I looked over to his left. There was a boy, again he looked maybe 3 years older than me. He was looking at me without any emotion which was what it looked like. I couldn't tell because his lower part of his face was covered with a mask, sort of like mine but a different pattern.
"Hey." Toby waved. I waved back awkwardly.
"The dude on the rights Masky, I'm pretty sure you've met him." I nodded.
"Yeah he watched me win that fight with Ben."
"PFFT. You did that?! Jeez your kinda cool not gonna lie. Bens a stubborn twat."
"I'm right here Jeff...!" Ben said, concentrating hard on his video game. Ben said those words without separating his teeth from eachother which made him sound mad which I'm sure he was anyway.
"Whatever short elf."
"Yeah it was a pretty intense fight. Kinda. Not physically though, i wouldve been all in if it was physically. That elf would've been dead by my pinch." Masky mentioned. I tried to hold in my laugh but it all came out.
"Sounds like you guys are getting used to eachother already?" I turned over to see Hoodie with a towel just around his waist and downwards, it revealed his 6 pack and very muscular body. My cheeks started to slowly heat up so I turned my face back around.
"Jeez didn't need to see that.." I mumbled though it would've been clear to everyone. Hoodie just chuckled and went back upstairs.
"New girls face is red." Toby scoffed.
"Shut the hell up will you?" I tried finding myself a distraction so hopefully no one would speak of it anymore. The only distraction was probably to watch Ben play his video games, it didn't work though.
"Someone's flustered~" I just groaned, squinted my eyes for a second and went over to the kitchen to grab a snack. Instantly I saw cookies and grabbed them.
"I'm sorry if these are anyone's cookies but they're mine now!!" I laughed like a maniac as a joke and ate one.
"HEY THOSE ARE MY COOKIES!!" Jeff shouted hopping up and running over to the kitchen. I quickly grabbed one more cookie, put it in my mouth and RAN!! Jeff followed behind me and wouldn't stop. The cookie was midway in my mouth and was at the point of breaking so I stuffed it all in which made my cheeks puffed. "SPIT IT OUT!"
"No!" My voice was muffled due to the cookie. I ran upstairs and into the room, locking it behind me.
"Oh hey." I heard Hoodies voice from behind me, I instantly turn around.
"He- DUDE PUT A SHIRT ON!" I grabbed one of his shirts that was on a table and threw it at him. He picked it up, confused.
"You never seen a male shirtless?"
"I have, but I don't want one in the same room I'm sleeping in."
"Exactly what a virgin would say."
"Excuse me?" Hoodie just laughed. I was so confused. Is he weird or crazy? Or both? "Anyway, get off the mattress."
"Nah, don't feel like it."
"You've already pissed me off enough." I gave a seriously serious face.
"No, you're our guest."
"I'm not sleeping on your bed are you crazy?!"
"I mean.. you have a point.. but I pledged myself that I would sl-" I attempted to pick him up and place him on his bed. Ofcoarse it failed, I was weak as hell. "Who are you for thinking someone like you can pick me up. Have you seen my abs? Or wait... is that the reason?"
"You're saying I purposly did it!?"
"Kind of." He chuckled. I rapidly removed my hands from him, very flustered.
In a way.. maybe I did do it on purpose. But not in a weird way I swear! I was sure I didn't like him. I just did it to.. uh.. have my first feel if the were soft or tough..? I don't know..

Hoodie x Reader - Met you at a restaurantWhere stories live. Discover now