~ Chapter 15 - I love you.. ~ + The end

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Readers POV

(F/TV/S) (favourite TV show) was playing on the TV in the lounge room. There were a few giggles that came out from me there and then that I never really noticed. All of a sudden someone sat next to me. Immediately I looked over to see Hoodie. His head was down which probably meant he was flustered or shy.
"Hoodie?" His head lifted up slightly, I could tell his eyes were on me. Hoodie sighed.
"Look (Y/N), I don't know if you recognise me from the restraunt where I kidnapped you once you left but.." Hoodie slowly and hesitantly began to take the cloth from his face off, his hood falling with it aswell. It was that boy, the cute waiter from the restraunt. My eyes opened wide. Was it really him!?
"You!" He immediately nodded, looking to the side sadly. I'm pretty sure he thought I was angry at him but I could never. To show that I wasn't mad I hugged him. I felt him flinch which must have meant he wasn't expecting it.
"Y-you forgive me?"
"Ofcoarse I do dummy, what's there to be mad about?" He chuckled.
"I guess." Hoodie quickly broke the hug and started scavenging through his hoodie pocket. A few seconds later he pulled out a red rose. I saw his face heat up. "(Y/N).. I-.. I think I might like you.." He gulped in worry. My face became a dark shade of pink. I smiled and hugged him.
"I think I like you aswell Hoodie.. actually not like.. love.." he hugged me tight. I then heard mumbling and awe's. Rolling my eyes, I broke the hug and asked Hoodie, "want to go to the room? I think we need privacy away from these people." He nodded, staring up at me with the biggest grin ever. We went upstairs and into the room where we sat on the same bed. It was a bit awkward for a few seconds since we didn't know how to express ourlove now until,
"Do you mind?" Hoodie cupped my face in his hands. I smiled greatly and nodded. I'm pretty sure he got the smile as an acception anyways. Slowly, he pressed his lips onto mine and I immediately kissed back. Once we parted to take our breaths. Hoodie mumbled, "I love you (Y/N).." I gave a toothy smile and answered with,
"I love you too, Hoodie." We both then kissed for hours.

~ The end... ~

Hoodie x Reader - Met you at a restaurantWhere stories live. Discover now