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Shigaraki's POV

Shigaraki slumps across a chair.

"what happened?" Twice asks, putting the sedative away.

Everyone looks at Kurogiri.

"I honestly don't know. I asked him if he wanted to talk, and he went berserk. Perhaps I triggered some of his memories."

Ok were going to pretend that its nighttime and everyone is exhausted even though they woke up like ten minutes ago because I'm too lazy to write it! Yay!

I lift up Shigaraki. The sedative isn't very strong, he should wake up any moment now. Carrying him to his room, I lay him down on the bed. I notice that he changed into a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt.

Before I exit the room, I can't help but notice how peaceful he looks. as I gaze at his face, he stirs.

"wha-" he says, sitting up groggily.

I hold back a laugh.

"H-how long have you been standing there?" he says, sitting up.

"not long. you need to get some rest," I say, closing the door.

Shigaraki looks disappointed.

"wait," he says, sitting up straighter and rubbing his eyes.

"could you stay? I-I don't want to b-be alone anymore."

I freeze, considering what he said. It can't hurt, I think to myself, closing the door behind me and walking back to the bed.

"Okay, but just for tonight."

Shigaraki scooches to the side, giving me enough room to lay down. For a while, we both just lay there, each of us occupied with our own thoughts. In this serene silence, it doesn't take long for both of us to fall asleep.

Shigarakis POV

Even with Dabi here, the memories still come. (torture tw until the end of the italics)

The interrogator walked around the table, coming to a stop behind me. this was a form of torture in itself; without being able to see him I was completely helpless.

Some kind of fabric flew across my vision, then was tied around my head. I was now absolutely blind. My heart raced as I struggled to figure out what was going on. Without any warning, my shirt was ripped off.

"cockroaches are hideous creatures." A voice breathed in my ear. "They feed off of our rotting carcasses, and yet will probably live past the end of the world. Rather unfair, don't you think?"

A small weight appeared on my hand, skittering up my arm. Biting back a scream, I struggled against the ties only to hit my broken fingers on the chair. You need to relax, I yelled at myself. struggling will only make it worse. breathe. Although it seemed impossible at first, I managed to calm myself down enough that I wasn't about to pass out from hyperventilation.

More and more cockroaches were placed on my exposed skin, swarming across my arms and chest. As I internally panicked, a pair of them crawled closer and closer to my mouth, legs skittering across my neck and chin with ease. They rest on my lips, the clacking of their mandibles so close to my ears, so close...

Dabi's Pov

The bed shakes, startling me awake. Shigaraki sits upright, clawing at his face.

Without thinking, I grab his wrists. I easily force them to his sides, stopping him from hurting himself.

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