hohohoho a/n time

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Hello!!! Sorry if u got excited over the notif, not much has changed. The next chapter is taking forever to write, but I'm working hard on it whenever i can even though I have -0.1 motivation. It's leading up to the big climactic ending, and I'm having to take a ton of breaks to make sure I'm not rushing straight to the good bits and leaving out important plot details.

so in conclusion, the next chapter will take about two to two and a half weeks to be pusblished., sorry about that! But in return, the part after that will probably be posted a few days later, so you'll have a double update to look forward to!

Also, thanks for all the support!!! i've never really done well with my writing on any platforms, and its really cool to get over 1k on  a story for the first time. thank you guys so much for reading and voting!!!

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