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Hello reader! a fair warning: about halfway through this story, I decide to switch dabi and shigaraki's roles in the plot. before, dabi was the kidnapped one, but then I switched it. obviously, it takes a long time just to switch out their names, and I've only finished reversing a few chapters. I will also majorly change the plot, so anything with the UNDER CONSTRUCTION in the title of the chapter is probably unfinished or not related to the newer plot. Sorry!

Everyone in the villain squad was gathered together for the first time since the training camp attack to discuss the most recent problem. For the past month, villains had been disappearing and then reappearing in random locations with no memory of where they had gone or what had transpired. So far, everyone had been returned in terrible shape, covered in bruises and cuts. However, there was one exception.

"So, are we going to rescue him?" Toga asked, twirling a knife between her fingers.

"Shiggy was really grumpy, but he was our boss. If we're going to attack the heroes, we'll need everyone we can get."

Kurogiri placed the glass he was polishing onto the table and reached for another.

"That is the problem. Him and the others have most likely been abducted by the heroes, probably someone with a warp gate quirk like mine."

Twice nodded.

"That makes things more complicated. If we follow that train of thought, then that means they have someone with a memory-erasing quirk too."

Everyone looks at me expectantly. Why do they turn for leadership? The vanguard action squad and now this?

"Well, we can't directly attack them. We will probably just have to wait until the Heroes open a gate to kidnap someone in front of us, and then go through it."

Everyone looked uneasy. But before anyone could make any objections, the beat-up computer in the corner of the room came to life.

"Hello? Is this thing on? Momo, come over here for a second. Mhm- Ok- so it was recording? Ah! Hello there!" a voice came from the computer. The screen showed a large room, with four large tables. However, the most concerning part was the pro and student heroes sitting in every chair.

The bar erupted into motion as everyone tried to figure out how the heroes had hacked their system. Kurogiri and I just stared at the screen in shock. All Might's large frame took up at least a third of the screen as he sat down in a nearby chair, still flashing his signature smile.

I looked at Kurogiri for approval, and his nod was all the confirmation I needed. In one fluid movement, I lunged across the table and placed a single, ignited hand on the corner of the computer, melting the cheap plastic.

"Woah, there. We just want to talk. You can stop destroying your computer now." a smaller man in a black outfit with long, messy hair commented, twirling one of the cloth strips he possessed around his fingers.

The instant he made eye contact with me, the computer stopped disintegrating. Eraserhead's quirk worked through a screen! Reluctantly pulling away from the device, I sit back down in the chair. Everyone is watching me now; both the heroes and villains all sit or stand (respectively) watching my every move.

Motioning with one hand, I signaled for the villains to sit. They grudgingly comply, again taking orders from a literal burnt slab of meat.

"What do you want? And why have you been kidnapping villains?" I say, wishing I could jump through the screen and strangle every one of them.

"Ah, so you do care for your comrades," Nighteye says, nodding at All might to let him take over. The student heroes stir, probably shocked that Nighteye is owning up to the accusation.

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