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Toga finally arrives, skipping along like she's on her way home from the playground.

"Wheres the others?" Someone asks.

She comes to a stop at the door and plops down on the stairs.

"They'll be a while." She says with a smirk. My stomach sinks.

After another five minutes, neither Twice nor Dabi has arrived, and we are starting to get worried. Just as we prepare to send someone after them, a very pissed off duo arrives.

Twice is literally being dragged along by Dabi, complaining of sore legs. Dabi is spouting smoke from his face, indicating his extreme ticked-off-ness.

Kurogiri claps his mist-hands together.

"This guy is a little... eccentric. Don't do anything to piss him off."

A chorus of yes sirs and fines follow.

As Toga reaches out to knock on the door, it swings open unhindered. Glancing around, we all step onto the threshold.

The moment the last person entered the house, the wind slammed the door shut behind us. We jumped.

"Geez. it's like something from an old-school horror flick." Dabi says, apparently unfazed by the haunted aura of the house.

"Hewwo?" A small voice calls from down the hall.

"Are there some sister shook boomers in my house?"

"We're here to weave snatch some tea from ya boi Shigaraki." Toga replies without missing a beat.

"Come on in." The voice answers.

Sharing a glance with the other 'boomers,' we follow Toga down the hallway.

The small, mostly empty room with a few pillows, a desk with computer equipment, and a gamer chair is slightly slanted, with the bottom right corner of the floor half-sunken into the mud that the house was built on.

the chair spins around to reveal a teenage boy with clout glasses and a massive Starbucks drink sipping nonchalantly from a metal straw.

"Hey sisters! So, Shigaraki!" For some reason, he makes a beeline for Dabi.

"Nice to meetcha! Wow, I'd expected someone a little easier on the eyes, but what can you do, y'know?" The kid pokes and prods at Dabi's scars, blatantly ignoring his vehement protests.

"Watch it! My names not Shigaraki! I'm Dabi!" he pushes the boy away.

"And I'm Kisho! Sorry, I thought you were Shigaraki. Couldn't help but notice the way your thoughts stretch every which way to keep your secrets! Most of the time, when a person comes in with a mind like that, they are practically begging me to reveal everything about them before they snap!" Kisho squeals.

"Snap?" Kurogiri asks.

"Yuppers! When I see a poor, tormented brain that's just crying out to spill everything that they tried so hard to keep secrets, it gets to be too much for them. they show up at my door, and I reveal their secrets! Again, sorry about the mix-up, Dabifer."

"So which one of you is Shigaraki?" Kisho closes his eyes and presses his two pointer fingers to his forehead like he's thinking really hard about something.

"Wait, don't tell me..."

"It's you!" He points at me.

"Uh- yeah, it's, um, I'm Shigaraki." I reach to scratch my neck, unsettled by Kisho's words, but a strong hand grabs my wrist. I look up and see Dabi, a few staples askew from Kisho's inspection, giving me an inscrutable look.

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