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We make it home and huddle around Dabi, the human heater, as Magne warms up some hot chocolate. The rest of the League arrives soon after us, and we all pile underneath a giant blanket and browse the channels on TV. 

At one point, Kurogiri gets called by All For One and goes to some meeting or whatever. He promises he'll be back in an hour. 

After a few minutes, Dabi starts shifting around and making faces at the screen. I glance over occasionally, intending to ask him about it, but Twice beats me to it.

"You good, man? You look like you're trying to take a giant crap!

Dabi sighs.

"Nah, just got some water under my scars from the rain. It's super uncomfortable." 

Magne tilts her head at him. 

"What do you usually do about it?"

"Ujiko... uh... takes the staples out and lets them air out. They can get infected if I don't, but I'm a little worried about going this late to see him. It's usually not a good idea to get on his bad side." 

Toga covers her ears and hums loudly. 

"Sorry, Toga. The blood talk is over now." 

She nods and continues watching the show after uncovering her ears. 

A black portal opens up in front of the TV, and Kurogiri steps through. 

"Sup." Dabi stands up and walks over to Kuro.

"Dabi, I'm not sure visiting him is a wise idea right now."

"Wait, are you psychic now? How didja know Dabi needed to visit Ujiko?" Toga's eyes widen. 

"No, dumbass, I texted him. Mom, if I don't go get these staples fixed, then-" On cue, the staples pop out of the skin around his wrist and the whole mess of purple burns slides all the way down his arm. The grafts bunch around his elbows, exposing muscle and dripping a steady stream of blood onto the stained carpet. 

"-then this happens."

"What. The. Hell." Spinner curses before promptly passing out, collapsing into Compress' waiting arms. 

Dabi's arms fall to his sides, and the skin sloshes down to bunch at his wrists like a slinky made of skin. It's unsettling, to say the least, and Dabi's unbothered expression adds to the effect. 

"Fine! I'll warp you to Ujiko's. Just- be careful, all right? There's something I need to tell you when I get back." 

"Thanks. See you freaks later. Not you, Shigaraki. You're doing great sweetie." He blows a kiss in my direction before disappearing through the portal, and I feel a flush creep up my neck. 

"So, Kuro, what was it that you wanted to tell us?" 

Kurogiri sighs and sits on the couch, visibly deflating. 

"All for One gave us a new operation. Out target is the city square. At the time we're supposed to attack, it'll be swarming with people."

Spinner, who has gotten over his disgust and is back to normal, sits up. 

"And? What're we attacking in the square? It seems like a bad idea if there's that many people, though, so whatever we're trying to do better be important."

"Our target... our target is the people." 

Everyone falls silent.

"Thats- thats messed up. Even for us. What's the point of killing that many innocent people?" 

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