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I just finished my very first fanfic, and people actually liked it???? 

To be honest, this is the first fanfic where I actually had a plot written out and character development and all that jazz, and it actually went really well!!!!!!

I'm really proud of myself for not abandoning this like my other 24 works in progress, and asdjkfajdsk ;fkjp it feels so GOOD


1: Hearth4days: who indirectly influenced me to write a shigadabi fanfic wiht lots of angst and lots and lots of slow burn. Love u so much bro!

2: Lustful_Spider: a good heccin mutual who helped me decide to continue this story even though my parents didn't want me to, and also for being a good online friend and a wonderful human bean <3

3: Anna, my best bro in the whole entire world, (don't worry Taken66 ur also my best bro in the whole world) for editing my stories and listening to me brainstorm fanfic ideas at three am because I need to think out loud sometimes lol. I love u bro

It feels so werid to think that over a year has passed since the beginning of this fic, and im so happy right now u guys wouldn't believe it!!

If u enjoyed this, please check out my other fics or follow for new ones! Since this one is finished, I'll probably have a new one out withing the month, so please stick around!

As always, thanks for reading!

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