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Dabi's POV

Sunlight streamed through the window, illuminating the dust particles floating through the air. Absently scratching my staples, I wander into the common area. Toga is the only other person awake, fiddling with the thread of her panda onesie while sipping a cup of coffee. Dark circles surround her eyes, giving her a ghoulish look.

I sit at the bar next to her. Toga spins around on her chair to face me.

"G' morning," she says, yawning and exposing her slightly pointed teeth.

"Good morning. Did you sleep at all last night?" I ask, pointedly staring at her coffee. Even in times of calm, it isn't okay for my lackeys to be unprepared for an attack.

She shakes her head.

"I don't even know anymore- seeing him like that and know it could have been me-" she said, shaking her head. I haven't seen her show genuine sadness in a while.

"When we talked about destroying everything, it made me happy. Then it would be okay for me to drink blood. But then I thought about it and I realized if we destroy everything than other people who might even have the same ideas as us will have to go through this." It doesn't take a detective to figure out that she is talking about Shigaraki. This is bad, the moral problem is already starting.

"The difference is, other people didn't care about how our families and friends would feel about having to watch is be discriminated against for our quirks and ideas."

" I guess you're right. I'll leave the planning and ideology stuff to you guys." Toga says, going back to drinking her coffee.

Suddenly, Twice bursts out of Shigaraki's room, his mask and part of his shirt having been disintegrated off. I jump to my feet.

Twice runs straight past me to the closet, pulling a pillowcase over his head.  off.

"For someone who just went through heck he can still pack a punch!" Twice curses.

Me and Toga make eye contact. We both run up to Shigaraki's door at the same time. Just as Toga is about to walk in, I grab her arm.

"Watch it!" She hisses, ripping the burned sleeve off and throwing it to the ground.

"Sorry-" I hiss.

"Cant you morph into someone he trusts?" I ask, scanning my brain for someone he would like.

Toga shakes her head.

"I need their blood to do that. Let's just go in!" she says, running into the room.

I sigh and follow her.

Shigaraki stands in a corner, dust covering the floor around his feet. His eyes are wide with fear, darting around the room.

Toga shoves her knife into a pocket. She slowly approaches him, hands dangling non-threateningly at her sides.

"Hey! Shigaraki! It's just me, ok? we aren't going to hurt you. I don't know what they did, but this isn't an illusion or something." Toga says, steadily approaching Tomura.

Shigaraki shakes his head.

"That's w-what they said last t-time," he stutters. "I won't let your stupid quirk get me again!" He lunges at Toga, who gracefully hops out of his path.

Toga raises both hands in surrender.

"We get it. We won't get close to you. Sheesh." she stalks back to the doorway.

I scan my brain for a way to prove that we are real.

"Tomura," I say, causing him to spin around and face me. His eyes are still glassy, so the drugs are still in his system.

"Remember when I met you for the first time? I tried to attack you but Kurogiri stopped us with his portals." Recognition shows in his eyes as he considers what I say. Deciding I'm safe for the moment, I take a small step forwards.

"And then I called you ugly, uglier than I had seen in pictures."

Shigaraki rushes into my arms. I step back In shock. 

Toga must have seen the expression on my face. Smirking, she makes a hugging motion with her arms.

I awkwardly place my arms around his back, pulling my gloves back on so that I don't hurt him any more than he already is. His entire body trembles, whether from joy or an effect of the interrogation I cant tell. My shirt begins to dampen and stick to my chest as he cries into my shoulder.

After what feels like forever, the tremors coursing through his body lessen and eventually isolate themselves to just his hands.

"I-I thought that you didn't agree t-to the deal an-and gave up on me-" he stutters, pulling away slightly to stand on his own.

"I would h-have died, I... I don't think I co-could have gone through t-that again..." he says.

Toga walks towards him and slings an arm around his shoulder, an impressive feat considering the difference in height.

"You're with us now! We'll get you some food, a drink, and you'll be back to your grumpy self in no time!" Toga says, guiding him towards the door.

As I watch Shigaraki limp away with her, I have a feeling that it isn't going to be this easy.

Shigaraki's POV

With a blanket around my shoulders and a mug of hot chocolate in my hands, I feel like a second grader coming in for a break after playing in the snow. Kurogiri sits across from me, watching as I lift the warm concoction to my lips.

"Are you ready to talk now?" Kurogiri asks, voice filled with emotion I didn't know he possessed.

I freeze. the interrogator said the exact same words. black dots appear at the edges of my vision as the memories overtake me.

(tw for torture, skip to after any part that has italics)


Another finger shatters, sending my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

The cup falls to the ground and breaks.

The pliers close again.

Kurogiri is standing now, yelling something down the hallway.

The next finger is pulverized.

Twice and Toga rush in, attempting to console me.

My left hand is now completely useless.

I disintegrate the chair. 

My right thumb takes longer than the others, then finally cracks.

Dabi bursts into the room, flames ignited along his arms. 

It gets harder and harder to stay conscious.

I need to get out of this room. I need to escape.

Tears stream down my cheeks.

They all watch as I put my hands over my ears and scream.

He doesn't even hesitate on the next one.

Someone tackles me, stopping me from hurting myself.

He puts the pliers down and asks me the same question.

Something pinches the side of my neck.

I stare straight into his eyes.

Just as unconsciousness takes me, I scream my response inside my head.


Hey guys! this chapter was really short. Sorry! this was the only way I could think of to end it, and yeah. I sound like a YouTuber, but if you enjoyed this, please vote! if you don't, it's fine! please tell me what I can do better in the comments. Have a good day!


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