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(I don't want to write like three chapters of touya angst soooo yeah. If you really want to see a backstory hop on over to my dadzawa fanfic and read the angst backstory chapters. THe onyl difference is that in this fanfiction, Endeavor tried to kill touya instead of touya just running away on his own.)

Dabi told his story in a near whisper, and by the end we had to almost lean over the couch to make out what he was saying. 

"Wait. Let me get this straight." Compress steps away from the couch and hold us his hands in a 'hold on a sec' motion. 

"Your dad- who is the number two hero, by the way- trained you from age five, which breaks about twelve different laws just by itself,  abused your entire family, attempted to kill you when it looked like your quirk wasn't progressing, and threw your still kicking body into a dumpster in the hopes that your flames would kill you." 

Everyone turn to look back at Dabi, who is running his hands through his hair in an attempt to calm himself down.

"Pretty much."

Quiet murmurs spread through the crowd. Kurogiri breaks the silence. 

"Then it's settled. You will stay part of the league and everything would go on as normal. Just a question. Would you like us to call you Touya or Dabi?"

Dabi visibly relaxes.

"Dabi. Dabi is fine."


Dabi's POV

After the impromptu meeting was adjourned, it took me almost an hour to shrug off everyone's concerns and retreat to my room. I slump onto the bed, shrugging off my coat and tossing it onto the floor. Just as I throw a pillow across the room at the switch and manage to turn off the lights, a sliver of light cuts across the room. 

"Dabi?" Shigaraki asks, fully opening the door. He clutches a pair of steaming mugs to his chest as he steps inside and flicks the light back on. I pull the covers over my head and make little angry noises at him. 

"Magne made hot chocolate." He tells me and sits on the side of the bed, gently pulling the covers off of my face. A smile graces the corners of his lips as I scowl and turn away. 

"C'mon. You haven't eaten Magne's muffins, so you at least owe her this." He waves the hot chocolate in front of my nose and I grudgingly comply. 

I sit up and accept the mug, taking a sip and then immediately downing the entire amount in one gulp. 

"Now, whats the real reason you came? We both know that you have better, more important things to do in light of current events." 

Shigaraki dips his head and I see a blush spread across his face. 

"I... I couldn't sleep by myself." 

"Awww, does the Shiggy-Wiggy want some cuddle-wuddles?" I ask mockingly, resting my chin on my hand. 

Shigaraki flops down on the bed next to me and places both mugs on the nightstand. 

"Yes, the Shiggy-Wiggy does want some cuddles. I think we both need some, actually." 

I feel a pair of arms wrap around my chest from behind and squeeze gently. A rush of euphoria floods over me and I can hardly breathe. 

"Woah." I murmur. I can't remember the last time I've been hugged, or even had someone show physical affection in any way. It was always me doing the hugging, taking care of my siblings or being completely ignored by my parents. 

Shigaraki huddles closer and I raise my head slightly to raise an eyebrow at him.

"warm..." He buries his face in my back and presses the rest of his body against my own. A jolt runs through me as I feel my muscles relax into his touch. 

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