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"...Nomu lab." Spinner's eyes widen and he scrambles away from Kurogiri, dodging the tendrils of mist that dart out towards him. 

"This wasn't part of the plan! Why're they all out of their cages?" Spinner yells as Toga slashes at another Nomu that got too close. 

"I don't know! We need to tell someone, we can't fight them on our own!" Toga jumps up, landing neatly on top on a Nomu's head, before pushing off into the air. Suddenly, a clawed hand reaches out and slices her leg open, sending her tumbling to the ground. 


"I'm fine! you distract them!" she hisses, using her arms to drag herself away from the herd of angry Nomu. With shaking hands, she punches in the first few digits of her passcode.

"I'll contact Shigaraki, you hold off the Nomu!" 

Spinner tries to draw their attention, yelling insults and swinging his sword, but to no avail. The Nomu lose interest and turn towards Toga. 

"C'mon... c'mon..." She keeps messing up, blood-slick fingers unable to work correctly. 

The phone unlocks, and with a sigh of relief, she opens up the messages app. But just as she is about to send the text, the phone flies out of her hand and shatters on a wall. 

"No!" Toga turns to face the Nomu, one hand wielding a knife and the other clutching at her mangled leg. 

Spinner drops his sword and starts crawling across the walls, grabbing a short dagger from the back of his boot as he lands on the ground next to her. Toga pulls off her sweater and wraps it around her thigh, holding one sleeve in her mouth to finish tying off the knot. Blood soaks through almost instantly. 

"What are we gonna do?" Spinner asks, slowly backing towards Toga as the Nomu press inwards. She doesn't answer.


"I...." She hesitates, fear written all over her face. 

"I don't know." 


10 minutes earlier

 I step through the portal into UA's courtyard, flames at the ready. Twice follows close behind. Almost immediately, a swarm of students surround us. 

"You guys are the villains that were supposed to see Recovery girl, right?" One kid that looks like a ripoff pikachu asks.

"Yeah, that would be us. No it isn't!" Twice yells, and a few students shoot him confused looks.

I feel my skin crawl as I look around. We're completely surrounded by heroes and heroes-in-training, and the slightest mistake could get us both killed. *coughmangacough*

"I heard that the Commision made some kind of truce with the villains, apparently All For One betrayed them or something." A red-head kid with oddly familiar hair whispers to the silver-haired student next to him. 

"That's so cool! Maybe the villains aren't so bad after all, we could figure out some kind of agreement now that they've finally turned their backs on AFO..." Someone whispers back behind me. I whip around so fast that the edge of my jacket slaps some poor kid in the face. 

"Listen up, dipshits. We aren't friends, and we aren't gonna suddenly become best buds with you just because our lives are on the line. The only reason I'm even coming into your building is because that potato-looking bastard stuffed me with so many quirk amplifiers I could burn your entire city to the ground. So shut up and take us to Recovery Girl unless you want to be scraping your spandex super suits off the closest satellite." I taste ash in my throat and instinctively cough, turning away so they can't see the charred blood on my hand. 

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