Just great.

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*Ella's POV*

I looked in the fridge and sighed. Fantastic, Nothing in there. Georgie giggled as he played with his cars and I sighed, starving and tired. I haven't been at school since that detention, I came down with a bug so I had to stay at home. 

I pulled on Georgies coat, hat and mittens and put him on my waist. He squirmed and started crying as I pulled on my jacket..

"Georgie, enough!" I told him sternly.

He hid his face in the crook of my neck  and I sighed, grabbing my purse and bag. I really did need a big shop today.

I began walking towards the local super market, when I saw a big pair of yellow eyes, staring at me from the bush in front of me. I closed my eyes and opened them again, to find them gone. I laughed to myself nervously and carried on my way to the super market. Georgie had fell asleep half way there, so I knew that he was as grumpy as me today. We hadn't eaten since yesterday night, and as much as I'd like to deny it, the poor guy can't live off of milk...it isn't healthy for him. 

I made my way into the shop and  grabbed a shopping trolly, placing him inside it gently so he wouldn't wake up. I then started around the shop, searching for what we needed. 

After I grabbed some ready meals, fruit, juice, milk and some movies for Georgie to watch, I made my way over to the baby isle. 

"Oh come on Joe, what things do I get for a new born?" I heard a guy say.

"Clothes? Milk? I don't know"

That voice sounds familiar? I shrugged it off and carried on down the isle to get some nappy and teething rings. He could do with some new clothes aswell.. 

I grabbed a teething ring and nappies, when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, can you help me out? My ma- sorry, girlfriend is having our baby next week and I haven't got a clue what to buy a new born. So, what do I get?" The guy I heard before asked me, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. 

I chuckled and nodded. 

"Sure, get the milk formula, some newborn sised clothing, small nappies, dummy, and other baby bits like that" I smiled, pointing to the things infront of me. 

"Thankyou so much, I haven't got a clue with any of this. I'm David, pleased too meet you"

"It gets better after a while, but really tiring. I'm Ella" I smiled, taking his hand and shaking it. 

"Hey Joe, come over here. I've found the right things"

This Joe walked around the corner and I raised my eye brows and then glared at him.

"Hello" I said blankly, "It was nice meeting you David, but I must go. See you around"

I then started back up the isle. Mr Hamilton came to walk beside me as I was looking at the clothes for Georgie. 

"Ella, how are you?" He asked me, looking at me lovingly. 


He nodded and looked at the clothes I was going through. I put some Thomas The Tank Engine PJ's in the trolly and started to look for some more jumpers and jeans for him. It's nearly winter and I can't have him getting cold. Which reminds me, this will be the first christmas that we will have together... I better start saving up for some presents for him. Aww, I wonder how he will react to snow!

"He's cute... this must be Georgie" Mr Hamilton smiled, looking down at Georgie. 

Damn, I forgot he was there. 

Decisions, Decisions....(Student/Teacher Relationship)Where stories live. Discover now