Just say yes?

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Last day of term, which means a whole 3 weeks with Georgie... I love him, don't get me wrong. But it's so tireing sometimes. I just wish that for one minute he wasn't a baby. Actually, I wish that mum never died! Life would be so much more simpler for me. 

I'm sorry, but it's all getting on top of me.

I grabbed everything out of my locker and made my way down to the front doors, when I heard Mr Hamilton call my name. It sent shivers up my back as I turned around and he handed me some extra english work.  

"Here you go, if you need any help with it. Just give me a call"

I nodded and smiled at him awkwardly. Taking the work and putting it in my bag. I stood there for a moment and he coughed. 

"Well.... I'll see you"

"Yeah, bye" I smiled, as he turned and walked away. 

I then started on my way home, to recieve a text message. 

'Hey, it's Joe..'

I only saw him what... a few minutes ago?

'Yeh I know its you... I have your number x' I replied, giggling. 

'course u do, lol. Jst wondered if ud lyk 2 go out 4 a coffee?'

Excitement filled me and I almost squealed. HE WANTS TO HAVE A COFFEE WITH ME! AHHHH!!

Keep cool Ella. Reply!....Dang... what  do I say? Yes...No...Maybe?

'I don't know what to say lol x' 

'say yh?;) '

Oh what the hell. YOLO and all that shit.

'Sure... you know, your texting isn't that great for an english teacher :p x' 

I opened my front door, to find Sasha watching TV. She smiled at me and grabbed her bag, walking out. I raised my eye brows and felt hurt. Why didn't she speak to me? She always speaks to me... She's probably tired or something. I walked into my bedroom, to find Georgie fast asleep. I chuckled and kissed his cheek, putting my bag on the dresser. I let my hair down and took my shoes off, sitting down on the sofa. My phone bleeped again and I smiled. 

'Sozz ;) What time would her lady ship like to be picked up at? :p'

I laughed and rolled my eyes. 

'Real funny Joe.... and I can't tonight..Georgie is asleep. Maybe tomorrow? x'

I changed the TV channel to the news and started watching it. I was just about to drift off to sleep, when another text message came through. 

'I'll pick you up at 10 ;)' 

I smiled and yawned, drifting off into a peaceful sleep...


Soooo....... what do you think? ;)

Decisions, Decisions....(Student/Teacher Relationship)Where stories live. Discover now