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Hey guys!

1,049 reads, 67 votes,15 fans and 12 comments :D Thankyou all! It means so much too me! Especially Ashonna93, who has been loyal since the begining and has inspired me to keep writing! Thanks! :D 

Anyways, enough of my hype. I'll carry on with the story;D

Stay Beautiful, Stay Safe and Keep Reem!<3

---A very happy Lozzah ;D xox


"*Ella's POV*

"You will speak about it Ella" I heard Joe growl lowly, clenching his fists. 

Lola bowed her head and left the room, probably scared at her Alpha's tone. I frowned and looked at Georgie, who looked up at Joe terrified. 

"Do you mind how you're talking around Georgie, you're scaring him" I warned, rubbing Georgie's back and bouncing him on my knee. 

He growled and Lola came back in, walking over too me and taking Georgie from my lap. I looked at her questioningly and she mouthed 'orders' to me. I rolled my eyes and waited until Georgie was out of the room, before sighing and looking at the table. Oh why me? 

"How do you know that wolf Mariella?" He growled out. 

"I-I dont"

"Yes you do... He threatened you, now spill. How does he know you and how the fuck do you know him?!" He shouted, throwing a vase at the wall. 

"Joe...You scaring me" I whimpered, jumping at the sound of the vase smashing.

He was turning into my dad all over again. I didn't want this. I just wanted life to go back to normal. Just me and Georgie and none of this. 

"I don't care at the minute. Now tell me or so help me-"

"FINE!....*sigh*... fine, I'll tell you. I...I don't know him at all. I started getting weird texts when we started seeing eachother"

"What did they say?" He asked, sitting next to me now, trying to keep calm. 

"Threats and taunting me. Threatening me with Georgie and telling me how I was going to be his... I thought it was some kid from school, until the stalkerish ones came"

"Why didn't you tell me? You know I could have sorted this!"

"I didn't want to drag you into this"

"Ella..." He sighed, cupping my cheek in his hand and leaning his head on mine, "I am your mate, no matter what happens, I am always by your side. It's the way the system works"

I nodded and looked into his beautiful eyes, feeling calm and safe. I went back to rationaly thinking and kissed his lips lightly, then pulled back. I tucked my hair behind my ear and sneezed from the cold. He left the room and came back, swiftly wrapping a thick blanket around me. 

"Here we go angel" He whispered, pulling me into his arms.

I snuggled into him and put my head on his chest,listening to the steady rythem of his heartbeat. He ran his hands through my hair and kissed the top of my head tenderly. 

"Joe....I'm scared" I admitted. 

"Why Princess? I won't let anyone hurt you" He said possesivly,making me believe every word.

"It's not me I'm scared for. I don't want to loose you or Georgie" I said.

"Enough of that talk. Now come on. Let's get some sleep" he said, flipping us over on the sofa so we were laying down.

"But Georgie..."

"He's fine. He will sleep in Lola's room tonight. Stop worrying and get some sleep"

I layed down with him and cried gently into his chest, as he rubbed my back.

"My life is fucked" I whispered, more to myself than anyone.

"Don't say that. It isn't"

"I've been kicked out of school and I have some weird wolf after me"

"Don't give up yet. That pathetic excuse of a man is being dealt with and I will home school you so you get your grades, ok?"

I nodded and smiled, until something dawned on me.

"How do you know that wolf?" I asked him, feeling curious now.

He tensed and his grip tightened on me, making me winse. His grip losened on me and he growled lowly.

"Unfortunately, it's my brother. Now no more questions. Go to sleep."

His brother? I never knew he had a brother. But the biggest question is, what does his brother want with me? I am only a human!

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