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Now this is where things to start to get interesting in the story ;D

Thankyou for reading! I love y'all :p 

Stay beautiful, Stay sayfe&Keep Reem <3

-Lozz :p xox


I looked in the mirror and smiled. I look pretty good today. I let my naturally curly hair down and put a little bit of mascara and lip gloss on. I wore orange skinny jeans, brown ugg boots, white vest top and brown cardigan, along with my bear hat. Poppy has Georgie over night to give me a break, so I'm going to enjoy it while I can.

I looked at the clock to see it was 10 O'clock and took a deep breath as the doorbell rang. I answered it and Mr Hamilton was stood there in all his glory. He wore a black leather jacket, ripped jeans and black shoes. He smirked as he caught me oggling and I blushed. 

"Not looking too bad yourself" He chuckled, making me blush even harder. 

I glared at him and invited him in. 

"Don't push it. Come in for a minute, I've just got to find my keys"

"Ok" He simply said, looking around the room.

 I looked at Mr Hamilton, who was looking around the place in anger. Whats wrong with my house? It's clean... isn't it? He looked at me and smiled... but it didn't reach his ears like it usually does. I shrugged it off and smiled back.

"Ready to go?" He asked, putting his hands in his pocket.

"Yep! Lets go" I giggled, heading towards his car with him.

I then climbed in the front and put my seatbelt on. Mr Hamilton glanced at me for a second, before turning his attention back to the road. 

"Ok, so we're going to Costa, is that ok with you?" He aksed me, looking slighty apprehensive.

"Yeah, sounds great" I smiled, feeling kind of awkward around him.

What? You would be feeling this way around him aswell if you had an explosion of butterflys in your stomache every time he spoke or looked at you. I think... I think I love the man. Argh. Stupid teenage hormones. When we arrived, we took a seat at the back of the shop, after grabbing a hot chocolate each. I took a sip and he looked at me in curiosity and wonder. 

"Hows that work getting along?" He asked me, probably trying to spark up conversation.

"Yeah, I still need to do some more. I think I'm going to do it tonight while Poppy has Georgie" I replied, putting my cup down.

"Sounds... cool. How long has he gone for?"

"Until tomorrow afternoon"

He nodded and I looked at the table, trying to put aside the dirty thoughts I was having of him. Damn, where did all these feelings come from? I'm a virgin and he's my teacher! I shook my head and looked back at him, too see him looking amused.

"What? Have I got something on my face?" I asked, wiping the corner of my mouth.

He laughed at me and shook his head.

"No, you just look cute when you're thinking" He smiled, making me blush. 

Another fifteen minutes passed of us just sitting in silence and drinking our drinks. Now THIS is awkward. I looked at the clock too see we had been here an hour now, yet there was still no conversation. I looked back up at Mr Hamilton who groaned and grabbed my hand in his, making the tingling sensation come again. He pulled me up and we began walking to his car, hand in hand.

"Thankyou for agreeing to come" He smiled, looking me in the eye as we got to his car door. 

"Thankyou for buying me the drink" I grinned, opening the car door.

"Wait.... can I just try something?" He asked, closing the door. 

I looked at him expectantly, as he pushed me towards the car. I looked up at his eyes coming towards me and before I knew it, his lips were on mine. I didn't know what to do at first, my whole body just felt numb and weak at the fireworks going off inside me. I smiled and pulled him closer as he deepend the kiss. I felt so many things at this moment in time, I just wanted him to take me here and now. I pulled away after a few minutes, catching my breath. He put his forehead on mine, closing his eyes. He then stood up and grinned at me, walking around to the drivers side. 

I blinked and bit my lip, climbing into the car. Mr Hamilton looked straight foward, looking like he was having an internal debate. We were at my house in no less than 19 minutes. I climbed out of the car and I felt like someone was watching me as Mr Hamilton walked with me. I looked around, but there was no one there. Weird. I must be getting paranoia or something.. yeah. Thats the only reasonable explanation for this. 

I went to my door and looked at Mr Hamilton, smiling but blushed at the thought of our kiss.

"Thanks Joe... I enjoyed myself today" I smiled, looking down at my shoes.

He lifted my face up and pulled me close to him.

"Mine" He growled/whispered, kissing my forehead.

I shuddered and looked at him questioningly. He sighed and pulled away from me, putting his hands in his pocket. 

"What do you mean, mine?" I asked him, feeling kind of scared at this moment in time.

"I'm sorry Ella.... I can't tell you just let. Some things have to be kept a secret from people!

"What do you-" I was cut off by his hand covering my mouth. 

"Shhh...." He whispered, "Can you keep a secret?"

I nodded and he smiled, kissing my lips once again. 

"I love you"

I stood there, unable to say a word as he walked to his car and drove off. I looked around too see if anyone from school was around, only too see the same yellow eyes from the other day staring at me. I whimpered and quickly unlocked my door, slamming it shut and locking it again. I drew my curtains and sat on the kitchen work top, staring at the wall in shock. 

Mr Hamilton..... loves me? I mean, he says he does! He kissed me for christ sakes.... he took my first kiss. It was an amazing first kiss and indeed, it confirmed my feelings for him. I now truely know that I am deeply in love with him. I touched my lips and smiled at the memory. 

He loves me... 

Mr Hamilton loves me...

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