Why do you tempt me so?

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*Ella's POV*

I woke up the next morning to a sense of security and love. I smiled, remembering I was still in Joe's arms and he was asleep. I heard Georgie crying, so I gently slipped out of his arms and went to him, yawning. I picked him up and took him to the kitchen, making him some toast and juice. I placed him in his highchair and gave them too him, walking over and making me and joe a cup of coffee. I ironed his uniform and placed it on the bar stool, grabbing his coffee. I smiled as I took it into him, shaking him slightly. 


Still no movement.

"Joe..." I said, shaking him abit harder. 


"Joe? Wake up" I said abit louder, shaking him again. 

He turned over and I let out a loud huff. I took the drinks back in the kitchen and looked back at Georgie, who was eating slowly. I grabbed his buzzlightyear horn and grinned mischeviously. I then tip-toed into the living room and giggled slightly. 

"Joe..." I whispered in his ear, shaking him again. 

Still nothing! Damn he can sleep! I the grabbed my horn, put it close to his ear and pressed it. 

"BEEP BEEP! BUZZ-LIGHTYEAR TO THE RESCUE! BEEEP BEEEP" It shouted loudly, making him fall backwards off of the sofa. 

I doubled over in laughter as he popped his head up over the sofa, looking panic stricken and dopey. I laughed even harder and he glared, playfully. 

"Oh, you think that's funny do you Mariella?" He said, getting up and edging closer to me.

"Funny? That's abit of an understatement. Hilarious is more like it! You should have saw your face.... Classic" I giggled, putting the horn down. 

"I'll show you funny" He playfull threatened, diving on me and tickiling me. 

I started giggling and kicking, trying to get him off me. It was no use though, I probably had 15 stone of pure werewolf muscle on me right now. 

"STOP!" I begged, tears coming from my eyes. 

"Magic words?"


"Try again sweetheart" He smirked, doing it more. 

"SORRY! I'M SORRY I LOVE YOU PLEEEASE STOP NOW" I giggled, and he got off of me, pleased with himself. 

I glared at him and laughed as he helped me up I gave him a kiss on his cheek and walked into the bathroom.

"You've got a coffee on the side and I've ironed your clothes" I called as I got into the shower. 

I sighed as the warm water carrassed my body. When I had finished everything, I climbed out and wrapped a towel around my body and head. I then went out and walked into the kitchen, grabbing my yellow summer dress and started walking to the bedroom. Half way, Joe walked out of the bathroom and his eyes turned black as his eyes raked my body. I rolled my eyes and walked past him, just as he grabbed me and pulled my back into his chest. 

"Oh why do you tempt me so?" He whispered huskily, his hand traveling up my leg. 

"No.... Joe not now, we've got to get to school and we can't turn up late together, people will begin to notice" I said, equally as turned on as he was at this point. 

"You sure?" He whispered seductivly in my ear. 

I shivered as his finger slipped inside me and he started rubbing small circles on my core. I moaned and he moaned. I managed too pull myself away from him and get my breath back.

"No Joe, now get ready. We need to be there in half an hour and I need to find someone to take care of Georgie" I groaned, walking into the bedroom and getting ready. 

When I had finished, I looked in the mirror and sighed. I put the dress back in the wardrobe and decided on jeans and my hello kitty jumper. I pulled on my pink converse and pulled my hair up, catching my mark with the brush and hissing in pain. Joe walked in as I did and he looked at me worried. 

"Are you ok?"

"This bite... or mark or whatever the hell it is, is killing me" I groaned, looking at it as it seemed to be even more red. 

"listen... I can make it better ok? Do you trust me?"

I nodded and he walked over to me, putting his mouth near my neck again. I stood there ridged, waiting for another bite, when his tounge traced his teeth mark. I shivered and moaned and before I knew it, he moved away, smirking, I glared at him and looked in the mirror, to see that it was only the tattoo there now. I blushed and thumped his arm as his chest puffed out in pride. 

"Calm down banjo, now come on. I need to find someone to have Georgie" I sighed, picking up my phone and scanning the few contacts. 

"Already sorted, David is picking him up now"

I smiled at him gratefully and walked into the living room. The door knocked and I went cold, remembering the letter that was sent. Joe came behind me and gave me a dodgey look, before opening the door and grinning at David. 

"Hey bro, you finally told her then" David grinned, doing that man hug that guys do. 

I took a breath of relief and smiled at him, as he looked at me. 

"Yeup" Joe grinned, pulling me into him.

"Welcome to the pack luna" David grinned, kissing my hand. 

I blushed and Joe growled, warning him off of me. I raised my eyebrows at him and he pulled me in closer. 

"Luna?" I asked, confused. 

"Mine" Joe growled at him.

"I am not a possesion Joe and what the hell is a luna?"

"Yeahhhh Joe, cool it bro and Luna.... it's basically the wife of our alpha... so you're kind of our leader"

"Oh" Was all i managed to say. 

"Anyways, where is the little tyke?"

I smiled and wiggled out of Joe's grasp, walking over to a giggling Georgie. I picked him up and put on his coat. I then gave him a kiss and handed him over. We all then walked to our cars and waved goodbye, starting off to our destinations. 

When we arrived at school, I sighed and looked up at the building. Joe smiled and me and we climbed out. He grabbed his blazer from the back seat and slipped it on as we started towards the front of the school. 

"I'll see you later yeah?" He said to me, acting casual. 

"Yeah ok" I smiled. 

He nodded and then walked inside, as I went towards the bench just beside the enterance until Helen got here. My phone went and I rolled my eyes, smiling. He's only been away from me for a few seconds. I laughed to myself and opened the message. 

'3-4 you forgot to lock your door....'

Again with this number. 

'Leave me alone'

'I can't do that.... Nice place you've got here Mariella ;)'

"Hey El, are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost" Helen asked me, laughing.

"Sorry, yeah I'm fine. Let's go to lesson" I breathed, putting on a smile. 

I brushed off the text and put it down to someone pranking me. We walked into PE and sat at the side. I forgot my kit and Helen just didn't feel like doing it. We sat there and watched everyone play Rounders, until we had to go too next lesson. 

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