dont be late

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*Ella's POV*

I opened the curtains in the bedroom to see snow everywhere. I grinned and woke Joe up by jumping on him. He woke up with a start and looked around lazily.

"Yep?" He said, in his morning voice.

"Anyone ever told you that your morning voice is the sexiest sound ever?" I said, kissing him.

"Not until now" He smirked, kissing me back "Now, why have you woke me up?"

"It's snowing! Outside is thick with snow" I grinned.


"Soooo dumbass....Can I take Georgie to play in it?"

"You know you can't go out"

"Pleeeasee! This is his first christmas and I want too see how he reacts to snow!"

He gave me a look as I did the puppy dog eyes on him. He groaned and got out of bed, walking over to the wardrobe. Lazy ass, I've been up an hour, had a shower, got dressed and done my hair!

"Fine, go and get Georgie ready and tell the others we're going outside" He said. 

I squealed in excitement and went into Georgie's room, too find a very tired Lola sat there. I walked over and gave her a hug. She sighed in relief and hugged me back. I looked at Georgie who had his arms crossed and was looking at the wall.

"Whats wrong?" I asked them both.

"He woke me up at 3am screaming. The window was slightly a jar and he was shaking"

"I'm so sorry, come here Georgie" I said, picking him up and pulling him towards me.

"Ella... Lowli"He said, pointing at her.

"Come on little man, how about I get you ready and we go and play in the snow?"

He gave me a quizzical look, proably at the word 'snow'. He's never heard of it, or saw it before. I laughed and started getting him dressed. I decided on his blue track suit, his thomas coat, his Curious George wellies and his glaves and hat. I smiled and looked at Lola, who chuckled.

"So, Joe is letting you out?"She chuckled, yawning.

"Yeah, but he's coming aswell. You want to come?"

"Hell yeah! I'll meet you outside"

I nodded and proceeded to take Georgie into the snow.


Georgie absoloutley loved it. He threw snow at us, which only hit our shoes and he giggled in the snow ball fight. We made a huge snow man and Georgie made a volcanoe. Georgie sneezed and started crying. I smiled sadly and walked over to him, but Hannah, Joe's mum picked him up.

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