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*Ella's POV*

I put my tea on the floor and sat on the sofa with Georgie, re-reading the text I got sent from last night.

'Georgie porgie, pudding pie. Will never kiss a girl... he'll just cry cry cry'

What does it mean? I now know that this unknown number didn't send this text by accident... or the one before. This terrified me. Coud it be my dad? Could he have found us after 9 months? Probably not... he never really cared. He's probably drunk off of his face with some whore. He brought home many women once mum died. 

Anyway, this is totally off of the subject. Who is this person?

Probably just someone from school messing around.

Yellow eyes in the trees... something moving in the bushes.... texts? I'm sure this isn't just coinsidence... or is it?

"Ella" Georgie said.

I looked at him in disbelief.

"What did you just say?"

"El...El...Ella Ella Ella" He giggled, hugging me.

I grinned and hugged him back! He said my name! His first word... Ella. Aww! I feel honoured! I switched on a movie for him and passed him his juice and some cookies, walking into the kitchen. Last night was great. Even though the text kind of spoilt it for me, it was still great. I never knew he liked cliff diving! Ive saw it on TV, but never in real life. I smiled to myself and then sighed in boredum. My phone started singing and I raised my eyebrow. Oh wow. Nobody ever calls me. 

"Hello?" I answered, feeling abit apprehensive.

"Hello, is this Mariella?"

"Yes... who is speaking?"

"Duuude! It's a girl! I told you that it was a girl! Oh my God, Joe has a girlfriend!... Oh shut up Scott and hang up, leave the girl alone.... No you shut up David! Go find your mate"  

"Listen, sorry to but in with your conversation, but who the hell is this and what do you want?" I said, feeling pissed off.

"Yeah, sorry Luna. Well I'm Scott... Joe's younger brother"

He never spoke about his family. Guess this is one way of finding out he has one. 


"So, I was wondering if you wanted to come around tomorrow? We've got some party and we want to meet you!"

I looked at Georgie, who was giggling at The Lion King. 

"Fiki, Fiki!" He giggled, as the baboon came up. 

"I can't. I've got to look after Georgie"

"It's okay, Bobbie will look after him... won't you Bobbie?.... Yeah sure....See, now. Don't tell Joe about this ok? It's a suprise! I'll pick you up at 6, CHOW!" He then hung up.

Ok? His family sounds abit crazy to be honest with you. They seem nice though? I smiled to myself and went and sat next to Georgie, I'll ring Poppie. Agh. Voice mail.

"Hey Pops, don't worry with baby sitting Georgie tomorrow. We're going out together... Bye!" I said, and hung up. 

I always feel awkward when leaving voice mails. I don't know why, but I feel like such a twat. It's abit like speaking to a wall.... you get no replies. Maybe thats just me. Always have been the odd one out. 

The day was spent with me and Georgie watching movies and texting Joe. He is so sweet... I feel bad that I can't tell him I am going to this party though, but sad at the same time that he didn't invite me. Like, yeah I know that I don't need to be with him 24/7, but it hurts me... did he want to get layed by someone or something? That thought along makes me want to rip any bitch who goes near him apart. I suppose I have to work on this whole jealousy thing.

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