Oh please Goddess of the moon... Don't let her leave me!

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Hey guys! Next part up ;)

Stay beautiful,Stay Safe&Keep Reem<3

--Lozzah;D xox


I looked at the clock and sighed. Maybe I could make last lesson? Nah... I'll just text him. I've already had 3 texts from him today, asking me where I am. I can't just walts in for PE, people would know I am skiving.I really need to see him though, I feel....lost without him here. Weird I know, but it's true.That and the fact I have nobody to have Georgie. Poppy is at school and Sasha has gone out too her mums house back in new york because of hurricane sandy. I just hope that they are all ok. 

'don't worry about me... I'm fine. Come to my house after school, we need to talk'


*Joe Hamiltons POV*

I looked over my english class and she wasn't here. My angel wasn't here... Damn it, I scared her away. I totally blew it....but she didn't believe me! I told her I was a wolf and she stood there and thought I belonged in a looney assilum or something!

I sighed and began the lesson, feeling moodier than ever. As she has my mark, I feel really grouchy and not complete when she is around. I wanted to mark her after I married her, to make her feel special. But no. My wolf went and ruined that.  I groaned and looked back at the class, coughing to silence them. 

"Right then class, carry on with your group work" I said, sitting back down at my desk. 

"Sir, I can't work today because that thing you put me with hasn't turned up" Jane said to me, flicking her hair behind her head. 

I growled lowly and stood up and walked over to her. 

"Well guess you'll have to work on your own then and Mariella is not a thing, she is the same as you, so be quiet or you'll have a detension"

"Aww sir, does that mean I get more time with you" She flirted, batting her eyelashes and showing me her long legs.

I turned my nose up and sat back down at my desk, grabbing my phone. 

"Get back to work Jane, last warning" I said in my Alpha tone. 

I heard her whimper and she got out some paper, doing her work. Where is my angel? I sighed again and my wolf was howling in pain of her not being here. She still hasn't replied. I sat there in silence, marking some course work when my phone vibrated. I opened the message quickly too see it was from Mariella. 

'don't worry about me... I'm fine. Come to my house after school, we need to talk'-It said. 

That sent me cold and I'm a wolf, I never get cold! This text doesn't sound good.... Is she going to leave me? No... No she can't leave me. She's mine. I won't let her. I looked up at the clock, feeling like it was taking forever. Half an hour until the end of school.... Oh... what the hell!

"Go on then guys, you can all go early. You've worked hard. Have a nice evening"

Everyone cheered and piled out of the classroom as I grabbed my jacket and car keys, walking towards the school gate. I bumped into Bethany again in the corridor and she giggled, blushing as she bumped into me. I rolled my eyes internally and put on a fake smile. 

"Sorry, are you ok?"

"Yes yes, I'm fine now.... where are you going? Don't you have a class?"

"No...I erm...let them go early. They've worked hard. Where is your class?"

"Oh, Proffessor Juniper gave me a free lesson so, here I am! Aha.. Want to go for a coffee or something? You look...tense" She whispered the last part, tracing a finger up my chest. 

"No I've got plans" I said sternly, walking away from her and too my car. 

I looked at my watch and realised it was now 3 O'clock. I made the car go just over 40mph and I shortly arrived at my angels house. I climbed out and took a deep breath as I knocked on the door. A short while after, she opened the door, even looking beautiful in her Spongebob Pj's.

"Hi" I said. 

"Come in" She said, holding the door open for me. 

I took a deep breath and walked in. Oh please Goddess of the moon... don't let her leave me. 


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