Chapter 11

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3 weeks later and days later

The best thing I've ever had. is niall
If I loose him I will never live it up.
I will end up like my father... I love this kid Soo much. it's been an amazing month with him.
I'm still on tour with them Soo far they've had a show everyday ....
Sents the places were distance close, it was easier too travel but harder for them cause they didn't get much sleep.. and it wasn't as fun for me because Niall's always was tired and never wanting to talk but I knew it came with the job...
In the morning before shows I was his queen, and when he was tired I was too leave him alone.. he likes his sleep very much but he still cuddled with me
And made me feel special. tho he was very tired.. he would whisper things in my ear to make me laugh..
I got Soo bored within the month that I began reading... but I read fanfic because let's face it... it's better.
Today instead of going to there concert I stayed on the tour bus. I was sorta sick... I couldn't really speak I had strep throat.. I had hated myself and don't know how I got it but I had too go to the hospital because I could barely breath...
The boys were still at there concert.
And I decided too text niall
Me: I went to the hospital don't worry I'll be back soon.

He didn't text back till late at like 12 am
Niall😘:I'm coming to see you
Me:no niall I don't want u sick
Niall😘:so I don't care your my gf. I'm gonna be fucking there
Me:uff niall could you just do this for your fans
Niall😘:baby ..... I love you and that's that
Me:niall don't come.

I never got a response back but niall came anyway.
"My throat hurts I probably got ail because of you babe, and I just walked in here that's crazy" niall says
So me an niall lay in the hospital bed... not able-Ing to talk.
But we didn't need to talk to understand...
We just sleeped and it was quite...
Niall started singing .. I knew it hurt his voice
"You and I... we don't wanna be like them" he sung perfectly..
"Niall don't hurt your voice stop"
"I lied I'm not sick I just wanna be by close to you"
I smile
"It's been a month" he said and kissed my cheek.
I smile again and nod my head.
"I love you too the refrigerator and back"
That's another thing niall loves which is food. I've learned that the bad way... once me and niall got into an argument because management bought pickles and me and niall both love pickles.. And neither one of us wanted to share.
I remember the flashback to 2 weeks ago.


"I bought pickles for all of yall" said management.
"Me too" said niall
we run into the kitchen
But we slow down once we see one jar.
I look at niall.... and he looks at me.
"We'll we all can't have pickles sorry Pay" niall said (pay ish her nickname)
"Excuse me ... these are mine" I snapped back
"No there not" he said
"Yes they are" I explained
"Here's a hint just share" Louis said
"SHUTUP LOUIS" me and niall yelled at him.and he backed away
"Look .... your my girlfriend I don't want to be rude but these are mine Soo lay off" niall said
Angry took over me.

"Niall ....stop acting like an asshole. will yah, you eat everything ON THE FUCKING BUS. CANT I HAVE SOMETHING TO MY SELF" I yelled


"A bitch really? Fuck you niall don't you have a heart"

" I don't know but I'll get a heart as soon as you stop being Soo pissy all the time" he said

That made me even more mad so I grabbed the closest thing to me which was a book and chunked it at him.
Then I got even more mad because a smile appeared on his face. Soo I slapped him as hard as I could. an it left a big red mark.

he held his cheek were I slapped him at.and said "what the fuck"
"You deserved it" I said and went back too the bunk beds too talk to zayn.
When I went back there Louis was in zayn a bed eating pickles. "louis"
"We'll y'all were arguing Soo I had to get rid of it"
"... Thanks but things all ready went down"

After all that happend niall didn't talk to me for 3 days he can sure hold a grudge.
But after those 3 days he said
"Payton I'm sorry"
"Me too niall"
"Lets never get angry at each other again, it's a horrible feeling"
" Yes let's agree. and I know it's a horrible feeling it feels like I'm loosing you"
"You'll never loose me,even if you tried" he said

-flash back ends-

"Payton... babyyy you still alive"
I snap back into reality
"Yes niall" I giggle
"Did you hear what I said"
"Yes. and I love you too" I whisper because my throat hurts.

Nialls management came in and had to fight niall too get him to leave...
But niall left, not like he had a choose but he left and I was in the hospital room alone.
I had nothing to do.
TV didn't work.
I didn't even have my phone.
Niall was my entertainment....
We were stopped in hati right now because the boys did a free concert...
Here sents hati's been through Soo much.

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