Chapter 16

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Niall's p.o.v

I decide to go home after talking to Payton last night.. And I let luke,ashton,and Calum crash at my house even tho I'm still mad at him for his attempt too get with my gf.
And how could she think I'm cheating on her, there's no girl more beautiful than Payton, it's not possible.
And I may have lied and said I was at the studio but I had to lie, I was really at the Jewry store picking out a promise ring.
I love Payton Soo much I'm ready to commit I don't know about her..
But I want to prove to her that I'm all she needs and right now keeping this secret is breaking her heart sent's we never keep secrets from each other...

I text Payton.

Me:hey love, I wanted to talk to you
My love😘: what about, are you ready to tell the truth.
Me:calm down I did tell you the truth... see what I mean you always try to make a fight happen
My love😘:I'm not picking a fight niall... we never keep secret from each other... but look what your doing your not a very good lier I can tell
Me:okay well we just need to talk ASAP
My love😘: I'm downstairs...

I walk downstairs with the ring in my pocket.
"Hey baby"
She rolls her eyes
"Look I'm sorry" I start
"-no niall I don't want to hear anything. I wanna break up" she says

A break up.... did I seriously hurt her this much..

"I'm sorry niall I just think it's best... I've been thinking about this for a while"
"I just think things aren't going good as they used to.. I don't think I love you anymore"
"You don't mean that"
"Yes I do niall" she says with a tear rolling down her cheek..
"I love you Payton.. don't do this to me"
"Niall I'm sorry l"
I cute her off "-you don't love me anymore"
"I don't.."
"I had a ring for you" i say getting on one nee
"Payton... It's a promise ring"
For a secound when I told her that it looked like her heart stopped..
It looked like she had regret everything she had just said.
"How can you promise me marriage,when you keep secrets from me"
"If you'd listen... I would never cheat on you and me constantly being on my phone was to find you the ring and me lying.. saying I was at the studio was so I could go find the nearest store and, me telling you don't watch the news was because paparazzi is always following me..and I didn't want you to find out that way.. baby I love you"

Tears go down her cheek and I wipe them off for her.
"Niall I'm Soo sorry.. and yes I'll take the ring"
I get off my née and put the ring on we finger, then lean up and kiss her.

She's all I ever wanted.

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