Chapter 21

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That night "yesterday" I left I couldn't stay with her knowing she was retaking my heart for the wrong reasons...
I've never felt this kinda pain before... and honesty it kinda hurts.
I wish she would stay with me... I don't care if I die for being with her, honestly it's worth it.
She's worth everything I have I'd give up everything for her.
I just can't understand why she would even cheat on me in the first place. was I not good enough I've given her everything she's every wanted..
I love Payton brooks with all my heart.
Maybe it's time to move on.
It sucks a lot when your giving 100% and the other person isn't giving anything but half of what your giving..
The other week she thought I was cheating on her when I wasn't and in reality he was cheating...
She should feel bad good thing I left a note.
I lay on the couch close to tears.
"Ello mate why don't u come to the club with me and the boys tonight" Harry says
"Nah I really don't feel up to it"
"Payton called this morning she's gone and she told me to tell u she's sorry"
"I don't care about her" I said
"Yes you'd do mate, don't make yourself believe you don't care"
"I don't wanna be stuck on her Harry, so just shutup.."
"whatever mate"

Payton's p.o.v

" I don't want to go to this stupid club fred"
"We'll we need something fun to do before we leave"
"Everyone nows me here tho,"
"We'll then this should be Soo homey for you"
We walk in and my eyes imminently fall on niall..
He's here?, Why? ....... We'll he comes here a lot but I figured he'd be too upset To Even go anywhere.
"Who are you looking at?" Says fred, I put Down my head
"Ahh wait,blonde-ey is here"
"Who's that" I play stupid
"Niall stupid"
"Who's care"
"No I love you, lets dance"
"No way I wanna show niall that our my girl"
"He's in vip.. we cant"
"We'll I have money let's go"

We walk over there.
"Ooh hey Payton who's this?" Says the security guy
I motion for him to not let us in
"Ooh it's my friend"
"Yeah.. we need to talk to niall"
the security guard looks at me
" can't" the guard says
I smile brightly.
"Hold up a minute I'll give you 200 dollar"
"Go ahead" says the guard
And I almost start crying and breaking down to the ground.
The security guard doesn't even look at me he tries to avoid me while we walk past to get in.
We walk up there to niall and the rest of the boys.
"Well,well ,we'll if it isn't niall horan"
niall turns around confused and then looks at me..
"Who are you"
"Who am I? I'm Payton's boyfriend .. who isn't dating you"
"Why are u up here so u can rub it in my face"
"Yes.. Duh is that some stupid question"
"Why? why do u feel the need to come up here and rub it in my face?"
"Because in school you took all the girls and I was always left with the ugly ones,but now I got you niall... I'm gonna make your life a living hell with Payton.. because I know you really love her alot"

Niall looked away and fredd swung at Nialls face and hit him dead in the eye..
Niall of course fell and held his eye... and he got back up and pushed Fred, Fred wasn't so happy about that but before Fred could do anything niall kept punching him in the face and Louis broke it up. but Harry and zayn were pissed so they started beating up fredd, punching him kicking him and calling him bad words..
And saying hurtful things.
"What your on his side" Harry and zayn said
I rolled my eyes "he can't breath!!! For goodness sakes" I yelled
"And he should have never hit niall the bastard gets what he deserves" zayn says
".And he took the best thing that ever happend to me" niall said quietly
"Niall I didn't mean I hurt you"
"You know niall maybe you were right.. you should just move on" Harry says

We'll this hit me like a truck

"You said that niall"
"Yep" he said
"We'll than maybe we should" I say looking down
"Maybeee then, even tho you've gotten you another.. or shall I say you've been had another.. he was just Side line or was i"
" No niall... I didn't .... I couldn't .... I never wanted to hurt you"
"Well your a little far behind"
I shake my head... how he could have known I was cheating

"You know Payton for a second I though we had something real.. I though we were going to be together for a long time..and THE WORST PART WAS THAT YOU MADE ME PROMISE TO NEVER HURT YOU.. And you told me about these other guys abusing you and hurting you and breaking your heart and how you can't trust boys.
But then you go and cheat and hurt me behind my back..its not fair that you can do it but I can't... you've been hurt your whole life but you never thought for once how someone else felt. did you... you never thought about telling me the things you were doing and you act like everything Is okay when in reality it's not, I wanted to be here for you and help you but you won't let me in... its like your against it.. what is he doing to you that makes you want to leave me what does he have that I don't"

I start crying... and look down till it's my turn to talk.

"Niall I... am truly sorry I didn't want to hurt you... I really mean it.
And I know it hurts-
"Payton don't give me that shit-
"Niall let me finish it's my turn you never let me finish my sentences"

He gets quiet.

"Okay niall he was threatening to hurt you, and if I didn't date him he'd kill both of us.. he's a known killer around town.. were I used to come from, niall you have to understand your in a band you don't need to die soon or anything...i love you Soo freaking much that I'm willing my life..
He said that when we got back he was going to kill me and make you hurt, I wanted to escape and tell you.. That's why I didn't say anything last night.. I know you read my messages.... and I thought you might of talked to me about it or helped. yes I cheated on you but it was to protect you.. Id rather die then to have you risk your life for me"

Niall cuts me off and kisses me briefly on the lips.

"I love you Payton brooks"
"I love you niall James horan"
"What do we do now?"
"I have to go back with him niall"
"No... not now"

"Hey niall baby are we still on for tonight?" A whore looking chick says to niall

I look at her and then to niall ....
Tears Falling
"wow niall I'm risking my fucking life for you and your planning to Go home with a tramp" I say tears falling down my red cheeks..
"Fuck you" I say again
Throwing his promise ring at him.

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