The First Meeting

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Yonsei University

Yonsei University

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Pranpriya's POV

I'm doomed.

Kunpimook was separated from me because he was assigned in Section B while I'm in section A.

And worse is that all of the members of B3 are on the same section as me.

Now how will I face them? Kunpimook told me that they are curious about me and he heard they wanted to see me.

To say that I am nervous and scared is an understatement.

First, I'm not confident with my acting skills. I'm scared that their curiosity will lead them to finding the truth about me.

Second,  I don't know how they will treat me especially now that I beat one of them on the exam results.

So, I promise from this day forward that I will purposefully answer exams incorrectly. So that they will leave me alone.

I walked slowly to the door where there's a sign

This is my room.

Should I knock?

Is there a doorbell here?

Should I wait for the teacher?

What will I do?

I wasn't able to ask Bam on how to enter the door.

I haven't been to any school before because I was just home-schooled at the palace that's why I don't have any clue.

I pressed my ear to the door to listen if some students are already inside.

I can hear voices talking. Maybe I should knock first right?

I heaved a sigh and I knocked on the door.

"Hello! Excuse me,  I will enter the classroom now." I said and slowly slid the door open.

When I opened the door. I saw boys sitting already on the semi circled table. There are two semi circled tables. The first one is in front facing the board while the table which is bigger is at the back.

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