The Queen's Approval

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Pranpriya's POV

"The president's son huh?" she said as she rub her chin.

"As much as I want to support you,  I'm afraid I'm still hesitant Pranpriya." she frowned.

I'm so nervous right now. But I try to keep my cool. I can't let my grandmother know that I'm scared of her decision.

"Please tell me why you are hesitant grandmother?" I asked.

"Do you know how your mother died?" She asked.

"She commited suicide because you don't want her and my father together. You don't like my father because he came from a poor family." I answered straightforward.

That's how I heard their story is.

"You got the wrong story my dear." she said.

"You're right I dont want them to be together but not because of your father's status Pranpriya."

"Then why?" I asked her curiously. This is the first time grandmother will talk about my father. She has never mentioned about him my whole life.

"I will tell you the story of your mother and father Pranpriya." she said and I paid her my attention.

"Your mother met your father when she sneaked out of the palace on her birthday. They fell in love at first sight then. He was living a simple life and your mother loved him so much despite his status in life. I was told about their relationship when he got your mother pregnant with you. At first I got really mad and I even had your mother locked in the palace to prevent them from meeting. But she fight for her love and soon I approved of their relationship. Your father started visiting the palace but he never planned to marry your mother even if I approved of them already. After months of him visiting here, a lot has been missing including your mother's precious jewelries." She said.

"Oh my god!" I covered my opened mouth at the realization.

"Yes Pranpriya,  your father was a thief. He took almost all the expensive jewelries, gems he can find in this palace.  I told your mother about it but she didn't believed me. She didn't believe me that the man he loves just uses him, that he's just taking advantage of him. And then one day,  when you were few months old, your mother found your father with another woman."

'"Oh lord!" I can't believe what I'm hearing now.

"Your father has already a wife and he just used your mother to have money. That's the reason why he couldn't marry your mother because he was already married. Your mother committed suicide after that. Her death reminded me that we shouldn't trust people easily. There are evil and wicked people in life Pranpriya and I'm telling you you should get away from them." grandmother warned.

"But Jungkook is not evil grandma!" she doesn't know him. He loves me.

"Does this guy loves you?" She asked raising a brow.

"Yes, he loves me very much!" I answered.

"How sure are you that he is not cheating and he will never cheat on you?" she asked and I got quiet.

Of course he cheated and he's still cheating but...

"See? You're not sure Pranpriya" She said as if disclosing the conversation.

"He loves me grandmother and I'm sure of that. I love him so much too." I said. I felt streams of tears flowing on my cheeks now.

I really want to fight for him. I want to be with him.

"Well.. How about his parents? Does the President knows about your relationship?" she asked as if challeging me.

"Yes, they know already!" I answered proudly.

"Oh my God Pranpriya! Do they know that you're a princess?" she panicked and I shook my head.

"No,  but I want to tell Jungkook about me already." I said. I don't want to hide anymore. I want him to know that I'm a princess. I don't want to lie to him forever.

"Don't. Please don't tell him!" she said.

"But why?"

"Pranpriya, are you crazy!? Their whole family is the biggest and most influential in that country. If they know the truth about you, the media will know too and another plan of murder will be set for you.  Do you want that?" she explained with worry.

"So,  you mean I should not tell him yet until we catch the person behind this?" I confirmed.

"How sure are you that I will still let you go back to that country after knowing that you're dating the presiden't son? " she asked.

"What do you mean? I want to go back. Grandma please understand. I love him and he will never take advantage of me. He's from a wealthy family,  he will never be like my father!" I explained.

"You're still naive Pranpriya! Even presidents can take advantage of you. Don't you know that? You need to think more wisely especially that you will be a queen!" she almost yelled.

"Then I will just let go of the crown!" I said and thank God my voice did not crack.

The queen studied my expression then she sighed.

"Whoever this boy is, I really hope he won't mess his chances up." she said.

Wait what?

"Are you telling me that???" I want to scream! She's finally approving our relationship?

"Don't get your hopes up. That boy is on probationary period. I will let you go back to that country. Pretend that everything is just normal. And don't tell him that you're a princess! I will have  my eyes on him and if he proved me that he can take care and love you,  I will let you be but of he messes up and he hurts you, I'm telling you Pranpriya,  I will personally take you back and I will never let him see you again!" she said.

"Thank you so much grandmother! I promise you Jungkook will take care of me!" I hugged her tightly.

I'm so so happy I can finally be with him!

"I can't breath!" she said and I let go of her.

She is now smiling too.

"Mr. Rudolph,  please call Mr. Chayut so that we can tell him that the engagement is cancelled." the queen said. And she looked back at me to smile.


Author's Note

Will it be a happy ever after already? 


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