The Bloody Evidence

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Lalisa's POV

Phew that was close!

I was so nervous the whole night because of Jungkook.

I now he's curious about me and luckily I was able to get away before he recognizes me.

A lot has happened this night and my mind is blowing with too many thoughts.

First, Jimin.

Jimin introduced me to his parents and now the Prime minister and his wife wants to get to know me more.

Second. Mario.

I was really shocked to see him there but he said he was with his father who is the Prime Minister of Thailand and the president invited them to the party. He also knows about grandma's plan of hiding me and they know that I'm alive.

Speaking of being fucked up.

My life is totally fucked up.

I've been avoiding Taehyung because I'm Pranpriya, I've been avoiding Jungkook because I'm Lalisa and I've been avoiding Jimin because I'm Limario! 

I can even win an Oscar for this.

I hate this so much and now Mario reminded me that our engagement is still on and the queen looks forward to it.

I'm now back at the hotel for me to change to my men's clothes before going back to the dorm.

When I stood, I realized my woman part is wet.

Shit! I'm on my period and I don't even have tamppons or pads with me!!!

What if the boys saw me bleeding like this?

I took my handkerchied and folded it over my panty to have it serve like a pad.

I'll just throw this when I get back home.

I wore my men's clothes and left my gown there.

Kunpimook will just pick it up tomorrow.

I hailed a cab and went to the dorm.

Luckily, Jimin and Jungkook are already sleeping when I got back.

I throw my the bloody handkerchief in the trashbin on our bathroom. Jungkook and I's bathroom.

I used a tampoon and started removing my make up.

Periods are the reason why I really hate being a girl. It gives me cramps and my head hurts so much evry time.

Lucky are these boys who doesn't need to experience this.

After freshening up,  I lay down the bed and began sleeping.

The next day..

I woke up hearing Jungkook screaming from our bathroom.


Why is he shouting so early in the morning?

I rub my eyes and Jimin came running to our room shirtless.

Yes. Bless my eyes.

"What happened?" he worriedly asked.

"I don't know?" I shrugged. Probably he is swelling again.

Jungkook came out of the bathroom still screaming and when I looked at him. He was carrying the bloody handkerchief I used last night.

My eyes widen and my cheeks heat up when I saw it.

This is the most embarrasing part of my life.

"What the hell is that?" Jimin asked with wide eyes.

"Someone just murdered someone and this is a fucking evidence!!!" Jungkook dramatically said.

"Oh my god! Who killed who? I was innocent because I was at the party last night!" Jimin defended and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm innocent too because I was there too! Now Who is the killer? What if the police come and saw this bloody evidence?" Jungkook's voice was really worried.

I don't know if I will laugh at them or I will feel sorry for their ignorance.

"We need to focus and clear our mind. Let's hide that evidence before the police came." Jimin paced back and forth contemplating on what to do with the hanky.

I bit my lip to stop my self from laughing. I decided to end their suffering.

"Guys! That's my blood." I told them and they looked at me worriedly.

"How? Were you stabbed?" Jungkook kneeled in front of my bed while checking my arms and legs.

"Yes I stabbed my self when I was cutting the onions." I lied.

Jimin ran out of our room and when he came back,  he was already carrying plasters.

My heart warmed at his sweet action. Actually both of them looks genuinely worried about me.

"Where is it? I will put plasters to your wound" Jimin said as he try to unbutton my shirt.

What the!!!

I covered my chest in an instant and they both frowned.

"No!" I said.

"Limario,  let Jimin patch up your wound or it won't stop bleeding?" Jungkook said with a worried voice.

As much as I appreciate their concern,  I can't just let them strip me naked and worse, the thing which is bleeding is my vagina.

"Thank you for your concern. But can you please just leave the plasters there? I'll do it by myself I promise." I said and they nodded.

"Promise?" Jimin asked and I smiled.

"Promise! Now both of you prepare for school. I will not go to school today because I don't feel well" I said.

"Do you want me to take care of you?" Jungkook offered and I quickly shook my head.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry." I said.

And they both prepared for school.

After 30 minutes they left and I was able to finally breath.

I feel sticky and I need to shower.

The dorm is all mine so I didn't bother on locking the bathroom door.


Author's Note

What do you think will happen next? 😂😂😂

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