The Meeting

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Lalisa's POV

I arrived at the restaurant Mario and I were supposed to meet.

"Do you have any reservations Ma'am?" the receptionist asked.

"Yes, A Reservation for Mario Chayut please." I smiled and she looked the name up on the screen.

"This way ma'am." she lead me to a VIP room where guests and costumers can privately have a chat.

I opened the door and I saw Mario already sitting on the room's couch while drinking a glass of wine.

"Good afternoon Mario!" I bowed and he stood to kiss my hand.

"Good to see you princess. Come and sit." he gestured to the space near him and I sat quickly.

"Am I too late?" I asked and he smiled.

"No,  I just got here as well." he answered.

Mario is the human definition of elegance and gentleman. His good looks adds more to his charisma that's why the people of Thailand feel in love with him the moment he was introduced as the son of the Prime Minister. If I just didn't meet Jungkook,  I would say that I was glad that grandmother picked him to be my fiancee.

But my heart has a mind on it's own.

It will always beat for Jungkook.

"So,  why do you want to meet me?" I asked.

"There's something I need to tell you." he said and his expression got serious.

"Is it a bad news or a good one?" I asked nervously. A lot of things are running on my mind now.

Will he cancel the engagement?

Or not?

"Both bad and good." he said then he sat straight and he looked at me..

"My father will retire as the Prime Minister" he said.

"Wait what?" I smiled immediately. That means my queen grandmother will not push the engagement anymore because there is no more use.

His father will not be the Prime Misister anymore.

"But I will take over." he continued and the smile on my lips was replaced with a frown.

He will be the next prime minister? At a very young age?

"What? Are you serious? But why?" I asked.

What will happen now?

"I know you're confused too but my father has been planning his retirement for a long time now and now that I'm here, the house of representative has nominated me to replace him. The queen and the prime minister which is my father has recommended me that's why I won the majority" he explained.

"So what will happen now?  Will our marriage pursue?" I asked in worry.

"It depends. In all honesty Princess, I really want to marry you. We can make Thailand a better country if we will. But I know you don't want that, because you have someone you love. So I'm offering you a plan." he paused then he continued.

"We will tell your grandmother about your relationship with that person and I will help you convince her to cancel the engagement. If she agrees, Then your problem will be over." he said and I got anxious. The plan seems to be too simple and easy and I know it won't be as easy as that.

"But what if she disagrees?" I asked. I really want to cry now. I want Jungkook. He's the only one that I want to be with my whole life.

"Then, you will have to marry me... Temporarily." he said and I looked at him.

"Temporarily?" I asked. What does he mean?

"It means we will have to pretend that we will marry each other but we will pretend to have a divorce when the time comes." he said.

"When the time comes?" I asked him. Is he referring to...

"Yes, I'm referring to your grandmothers death. The queen is not getting any younger and I'm afraid it's the last solution we have. To let her think that we will marry but everything will be fake. " he said so casually. And my feelings got hurt.

I know. I know she will not live any longer. But it's still hard to accept.

"How will I know that I can trust you?" I asked. I don't know Mario well.  He seems to be kind but I'm not sure if this is the real him. What if he's just planning to marry me because I'm a princess and he wants to take all the wealth our family has.

"Then it's up to you princess. Follow your instincts if you think I deserve your trust." he said.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked. I wonder what he will get if he ever helped me.

"Because you asked for help and if the situation were change between us,  I know you would help me in a heartbeat too." he said and I simply nodded.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to pray that grandmother will agree." I sighed.

"Your grandmother is kind. I think she will understand you princess." he gave me an assuring smile.

"Okay then, I guess I'm gonna have to go back to Thailand to talk to her."

"Just be careful. The person who wants to kill you is not known yet. We should meet her secretly." he adviced with a worried voice.

"I will. Thank you!" I said.


Author's Note

Sorry for the mispelled words. I usually write every night with a dark screen that's why.

And I don't edit.

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