The Unheard Confession

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Limario's POV

Jungkook loves me?

Jungkook loves me.

My insides are churning as I remember the words he said last night.

Oh my God! I can't! I'm blushing so much right now!

I smile ear to ear everytime I remember what happened.

Flashbacks of what he said last night keeps repeating inside my head and my heart is going really crazy that I wasn't able to sleep.


"Why are you just standing there?" I asked when I noticed he's just awkwardly standing on the corner.

He closed his eyes. And breathed deeply.

It's been minutes that his doing that and I think he fell asleep while standing.

I got bored waiting so I lay down my bed and closed my eyes.

But what he said next was the most unexpected thing I would hear my whole life.

"I love you!"

I heard him say.

He loves what?

I didn't open my eyes.

I pretended as if I'm sleeping because it's too much.

I need to process what he said first because I couldn't believe it.

Jungkook loves me?

My heart is bursting with happiness and I don't even know why.

"Oh! He's already sleeping." I hear him say.

I also heard footsteps coming towards me.

I can imagine he sat on his bed because it squeaked. I just pretended to be sleeping while clutching my chest.

"I've been practicing that confession for the whole day but it's no use because you are now sleeping. But still I will say it even if you won't hear it." he said and I heard him clear his throat.

"I love you Limario. I know I know you will laugh at me because I'm gay but I can't stop this thing inside me. It's beating so much when you're around. I love everything about you and I don't care if you're a boy just like me. If you'll just love me back,  we can make it happen right? I hope you are gay too just like me. Because I love you so much. I love everything that you do, I love everything about you."

"I love how you neatly fold your blankets in the morning, I love how you arrange your books and notes on the study table as if you have OCD, I love how you always clean the bathroom even if it's already clean, I love how you wrap your blanket around your body when you're sleeping like a burrito, I love how you tap your feet everytime you're listening to those cringy love songs, I love how you wipe your tears when you're watching those stupid kdramas, i love your penmanship, it's more prettier than encoded texts, I love how you always water the plants in the morning, I love that you don't snore in the evening but I always watch you sleep because it calms me down, I love that you always answer the questions of the professors correctly,  I love how you always perfect every exams and quizes we have even if you always skip classes, I love how you always bow to every people like a princess, i love that you don't know how to curse, I love you when your fashion sense is weird, I love your smile, your pretty face, you slim and soft body, you smooth and milkish skin,  I love your eyes,  your lips and everything about you. I love you and.... Fuck!!! I'm so gay for you Limario and good thing that you're sleeping because I know you would be laughing if you heard everyrhing that I said. I'm a pathetic gay but still what I feel for you is genuine and this is the first time I fell in love."

I was not breathing the whole time he said that.

"Goodnight Limario. I love you!"

He said and I was left speechless.

End of flashback

I didn't know he feels that way. All I thought is that he was a jerk just like how Jennie described him.

But why do feel so happy with his confession?

Why is my heart beating so fast?

Why am I feeling this?

What do I feel about him?

Do love him too?

All I know is he makes me feel different.

What I feel for Taehyung is love I'm sure. He holds a special place in my heart.

He is my first love.

While Jimin,  Jimin is someone I care for. He is the sweetest and he takes care of me the most.

While Jungkook...

He makes me feel happy and mad at the same time.

He makes me jealous everytime he would spend time with that princess.

But he makes my heart beat so much.

He is someone I always look forward to seeing. He annoys me almost everytime but I long for it always.

I just didn't know he feels this way too.


That means all the boys in this dorm likes me?

I don't even deserve anyone of them. I'm just an average girl with average qualities.

But they like the different versions of me.

Taehyung likes me as a Pincess.

Jimin likes me as Lalisa.

And Jungkook likes me as Limario.

Who among them loves me the most?


Author's Note

Hi guys!  How's the story so far?
Who do you think loves her the most?

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