The Meeting with the Queen

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Pranpriya's POV

I nervously looked at Mario as we walk inside to the secret room where my grandmother and I should meet up.

It was really hard to meet her like this because of the threat in my life. And Kunpimook said,  there's a big chance that the one who planned to kill me also stays in the palace.

But who?



Sir Rudolph?

Aunt Sarah?


I can't imagine one of them wants to kill me. And even if Aunt Sarah doesn't like me,  she will never do that.

She can't do that.

The door opened revealing Sir Rudolph.

"The quuen has been waiting for you Princess." he said as he guide us inside.

"Mr. Chayut, the queen wants to talk to the princess alone first." he said and I nervously looked at Mario.

"Of course. I will wait here." Mario gave me a smile and he took the seat on the royal couch.

Now I'm more nervous. The original plan was both Mario and I will convince grandmother about cancelling the engagement but now she only wants to talk to me which is nerve wracking.

I walked inside and saw the queen sitting on a chair with a nuetral expression on her face. Usually she greets me with a smile but now,  it's different.

She must not be happy seeing me.

"Grandmother!" I bowed in front of her.

"What brought you here? Don't you know how dangerous it is for you to come and see me unannounced!" she raised her voice and I can tell she's really not happy to see me.

"Grandmother, I'm really sorry for coming here without asking you first. But I really need to tell you something." I said as I breathed in and out.

"Whatever it is that you want to say,  it must be really important that you travelled from Korea to Thailand and you even bring Mario with you."

"Yes,  it is very impotant." I paused then continued.

"I'm in love with someone and it's not Mario." I announced. I closed my eyes to gather the courage in me.

"I want to cancel the engagement!"  I said looking at the queen's eyes.

She looked at me with a surprised expression.

Then she smiled.

Jungkook's POV

She said she would call me when she arrive but it's been hours now?

I just finished cleaning these evil cats poops and I really want to shower first. But I miss her already and she didn't even called me yet.

I better call her then.

I dialled her number but she won't answer.

Why the hell is my girlfriend ignoring me?

But I smiled when she finally accepted my call.

"Who's this?" I scowled when a man answered from the other line.

Is this the right number? But Lalisa answered my call hours ago with this number.

"This is Jungkook. May I talk to Lalisa?" I asked politely even though cheating scenarios are now running on my head right now.

"Lalisa?you mean Pr.. Ow okay.. I'm sorry but she cannot talk with you yet." he said.

"Why?" I need to talk to her because she's mine.

"Because she's talking with her grandmother." he answered.

"So? Call her and tell her that Jeon Jungkook wants to talk to her!" I answered through gritted teeth.

Who does he think he is?

Just because he's with her doesn't mean he can tell me what I should do and not do!

But he just chuckled.

"Her grandmother would kill you if you interrupted their talk." he warned.

As if I'm scared? She's just an old lady right?

"Who are you by the way?" I hate him whoever I'm talking with.

"I'm Mario." he answered.

Mario? The ugly guy?

I want to ask him why is he with Lalisa but we were cut off by another voice.

"Mr. Chayut, they want to talk to you."  I heard an older man's voice said.

"Thank you!" I heard him say to the man.

"Jungkook, I need to go,  just call her later." he said then he ended the call.

What the hell.

I swear my jealousy is at a point where I want to go and search where this country Luwakar is!

Wait?  Was it Luwakar or Lukawar?


Author's Note

I swear I've been writing for hours now but my son keeps taking my phone away.

May I know who your bias in Blackpink and Bias in BTS is?

Mine is Lisa and V lol

But I love Liskook so much!

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