The Dumb Couple

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This chapter is dedicated to YGisAbossBitch for making me laugh at her passage comments. 😅

Lalisa's POV

I can't stand it anymore! I swear I'm gonna go and kill someone if Jungkook don't stop with what he's doing right now.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo has been talking to me to get my head out of the scene in front of me where Jungkook is fliritng with a girl who is 10 times hotter than me.

At first they tried to ask me to go home but I can't. I'm too hurt to just walk away. At this point, I want to talk to him and ask him if we have a problem.

I know, I know he would laugh at my face if I do that. We're not even together. But still, I don't want him near that girl.

"Lalisa, let's go home. You're probably tired now" Jimin suggested but I shook my head and gave him a bitter smile.

"I don't want to go home yet. I haven't even danced." I said and he looked at me with pity.

"Do you want to dance with me?" he offered but I shook my head.

"Maybe later. I need to talk to Jungkook first." I said and with a heavy feet,  I walked to him.

I don't know how I managed to be bold like this. But seeing Jungkook with another girl motivated me to talk to him.

"Jungkook!" I called his name when I was infront of him but his eyes were locked with the girl. Their eyes are making out and it's disgusting.

The girl turned to me with an annoyed face and looked at me from head to toe. As if I'm the most unbelievable person she has seen.

"Do you know this girl?" she asked him and finally Jungkook looked at me but with the same cold eyes.

"Yes" he answered and I fidgetted my fingers because of the nervousness I feel. I don't know how he would introduce me to her.

"She is Lalisa my bestfriends' girlfriend" he said and he clenched his jaw. By the way he said it, I can feel he really hates me.

"Oh. I thought she wants to flirt with you too. Good thing he has a boyfriend." she chuckled and I had to stop myself from punching both of them in the face.

"Yes. She has a boyfriend. In fact she loves him very much. Right Lalisa?" he asked in a mocking tone and I opened my mouth to explain that Taehyung and I are over but what's the point of telling Jungkook when he doesn't even care about how I feel. He just kept his hands on her waist and I pathetically looked at them wishing I'm that girl he is holding now.

The music started playing a lively beat.

"My favorite music! Let's dance!" The girl pulled Jungkook excitedly and he followed suit without even saying a word to me.

I just stood there dumbfounded and watched when they started dancing. I couldn't take my eyes away from him because I just notice how good a dancer Jungkook is. But sadly, he was dancing with another girl.

I would probably be 100% jealous by now but the girl he is dancing with is doing a sexy dance with a hiphop song and that's enough reason for me to laugh.

She's dancing weirdly and I can tell Jungkook's just probably holding himself from laughing too.

"Oh shit!" a fine looking guy bumped into me causing me to fall out of balance but luckily, he was able to hold me strongly before I fall.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump on you" he apologized and bowed but I waved my hand while shaking my head.

"No, It's okay. I'm not hurt don't worry" I answered.

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