The Last day of Innocence

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Jungkook's PoV

I excitedly wait to see a beautiful blonde girl on the crowd of arriving passengers here at the airport.

There are so many people coming in and out but I immediately saw her walking excitedly to me.


"Baby!" We both run to each other and I quickly engulfed her in a hug.

She would always smell like home to me. Her scent and her body eases me. It feels like I can breath whenever she's near me.

"I missed you!" she said on my chest.

"I missed you more!" I said as I kiss her head.

"Come with me, I badly need cuddles." I said and she chuckled.

I open my car door for her to get in and I drove to the dorm. I wanted to make up for the lost days so I planned on taking her out on a vacation.

We still have 3 days left before the school starts again that's why we should spend it happily together.

When we got to the dorm, Taehyung quickly hugged her as if he's the boyfriend.

"Hey, stop it already!" I said as I pull Lalisa away from him.

"I'm sorry,  I just missed you Lalisa." he said as he scratch his head.

Then Jimin came running out of his room too.

"Lalisaaaaa" he said as he ran to my girl and hugged her as well.

I have no choice but to pull her away from him too.

"Killjoy!" Jimin rolled his eyes on me but Lalisa just laughed it off.

"Where are my kittens?" she asked.

"They are sleeping. We already fed them" Taehyung said and Lalisa smiled.

"Thank you so much guys!" she bowed to the two who was in charge of feeding her evil cats but sadly I was in charge of cleaning thier poop.

"Lalisa is tired from the travel so let us have her relax for a while." I suggested and they nodded.

We started walking inside our bedroom which I proudly cleaned because I know Lalisa is coming.

"Wow! It's sure clean here?" she said as she look around.

"Of course. I need to clean because my princess is coming!" I grinned but she frowned.

Probably because she thinks I'm referring to Tzuyu.

"I miss this bed!" she jumped on her bed and she wrapped her body with her blanket.

I walked to her as I happily look at her face. Just the sight of her face makes my heart warm. Her voice can make me calm and I promise myself I'm gonna do everything to fight for her love. For us to stay together forever.

"Baby,  how was your trip?" I asked nervously. I anticipate she will tell me the truth about her already.

"It was okay. I told my grandmother about you." she happily answered.

"Really?" I asked in surprised.

"Yes, and she approves our relationship that's why I'm so happy Jungkook. My grandmother is very strict and I'm glad she accepts you." she said.

"I'm happy too. I can't wait to meet her. By the way Lalisa,  prepare your things because we are going to Jeju tomorrow." I said.

"We are going to Jeju?" she repeated.

"Yes, I want to spend time with you alone to make up for the days we were apart that's why." I answered and I lay next to her.

"That would be great! I can't wait Jk!" she said.

"I can't wait too baby!" I answered and I moved my face to hers.

I looked at her beautiful round eyes that I missed so much. Pulling her body more to mine, our lips met and we started kissing.

Lalisa is getting good at responding with my kisses. Her tongue moves now unlike before and I can tell she also wants to feel me too just like how I feel.

Her hand moved to my zipler which surprised me. So I hold her hand to stop her.

"Baby not yet." I said to her mouth as our foreheads are touching.

"Why?" she asked. Disappointment is clear in her eyes but not yet.

So my baby wants to be fucked now huh? My mind smirked at the thought.

She just don't know how much I want to touch her.

"Because I want it to be in a special place." I said and she just rolled her eyes.

"Do you want Jimin and Taehyung to hear you scream my name?" I smirked and she covered her mouth probably from the embarrassment.

"No, I don't want that!" she shyly said.

"Then we will do it tomorrow in Jeju. There you can scream my name anyway you want." I said and she nodded.

I pulled her body more to mine as we take a nap.

Not caring if we are still wearing our shoes on her bed.


Author's Note

So smuts are cumming.
I mean coming.
Goodbye innocent Lalisa

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