The Decision to Move On

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Taehyung's POV

"Jeju Island!"

The girls excitedly hopped out of the van and walked excitedly to rest house owned by Prime Minister Mario Chayut.

"Oh my God! This is so huge!" Chaeyoung covered her mouth and we agree nodding.

It is really huge. It looks like a mansion than a rest house. It also seems like a lot of people can fit in. And the best thing is that it is just by the beach.

The caretaker welcomed us in and I decided to help Pranpriya with her luggages.

"I'll carry that" Jungkook said taking Pranpriya's luggages away effortlessly from me.

I was about to take it back when Jennie pulled me back to the van.

"Taehyung, can you help me with mine?" she asked and I looked at her. Weirded out by her sudden change of mood towards me.

Jennie has been suspicious the past days and I guess it's either because of Jungkook or she suddenly want to chase me again like back then. But I highly doubt the later because what she felt for me then was only some sort of a puppy love. She just got confused about her feelings when we were younger because I treated her really nicely compared to Jimin.

I treated her like a sister.

But I have no feelings for her. As I said back then and up to now. I only treat her as a sister nothing more.

I walked to Jennie and carried her bags. Among the girls, she's the one who brought a lot. Knowing Jennie's love for fashion, I bet she brought different shoes to match her clothes. That's one of the reason why I don't like her that much. She's too classy. Somewhat opposite from Pranpriya. But both are really kind. Jennie has a strong and outspoken personality which I admire but I also love Pranpriya's soft and innocent one.

"Thank you!" she said in a shy way.

I didn't answer her more. I just walked straight to the big house and admired its elegant interior.

We all sat on the big sofa in the living room. The living room has 3 mini sofas and one big that 4 people can sit. All are facing each as if someone would have a meeting. Chae sat beside her brother Jimin, my sister sat beside dr. Jin, and when Pranpriya was about to sit beside me in one of the mini sofa, Jennie quickly moved to me and blocked her.

Lalisa was dumbfounded by her action but she just chose to be quiet. Now she has no where else to sit but beside Jungkook in the big couch.

Jennie is really doing everything for her brother I can tell.

"Jennie, You're making her uncomfortable." I whispered pertaining to Pranpriya.

"Sorry what?" she asked innocently as if she did nothing wrong.

The caretaker is now explaining the house facility controller.

"Nevermind" I answered.

I looked at Pranpriya who is now sitting stiffly beside Jungkook. She's giving me nervous glances and I totally understand why. She must be thinking that I'm mad but I'm clearly not.

Of course, jealousy is here in me but I can't get mad at her. They are supposed to be together now but still I'm just enjoying the time being that she believes that she loves me.

I know what I'm doing is wrong but I'm so sure Pranpriya will be getting her memories back any time sooner. And with that, I will stay like this. Loving her and believing that she loves me too.
Though I know it will always be Jungkook who will win her heart in the end.

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