The Misunderstanding

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Jungkook's POV

When I got downstairs, I walked to the kitchen to grab something to drink, but I was surprised to see my Lalisa there.

And just by looking at her sexy back right now, I had the urge to hug her from behind and kiss her neck to tickle her. But I won't do that because I know she'll hate it if I do. After our heated kiss last night, she avoided me the entire trip going here in Jeju.

I can't read her mind and I don't know how she feels right now. It's as if she wants me physically but not emotionally. I can tell by the way she clinged to Taehyung the whole time we got here.

But that will not stop me from making her fall for me again. If she will not remember our memories here, I can at least make her fall for me and win her heart back.

Come to think of it. How did she even fell for me back then? The first time I hear her say she loves me was the time she got drunk with Jennie. And I never asked her when and how she fell for me. But I believe that was still the time when she was pretending as a boy.

Now I'm thinking of how can I make her fall for me again? Should I be aggressive and just fuck her for her to remember the pleasure I always give her or should I take it slow and court her like the traditional way?

Lalisa turned to me surprised seeing me behind her. She was holding a box of fresh milk and a glass. And even with a shoxked expression, she still looks beautiful as always.

"You're drinking that?" I asked pointing at the fresh milk she's holding.

"No this is for Jack." she answered and I got disappointed.

"Oh" I muttered thinking that she's really taking good care of another man when I am her husband. She should be taking care of me not Taehyung!

Instead of talking to me, she just bowed and walked past me. Ignoring my hurt expression.

So she just let me kiss her last night without even feeling something for me? I can tell she still wants to be with him than me. I'm really disappointed because I thought she's finally opening up to me but I ended back to zero.

I weakly walked to the living room and saw Jennie there watching TV. Chaeyoung and Jimin are there too but they are arguing about something. I can hear them argue about Mario but I have no energy to think about my friends' problems right now. I have a whole lot list of problems to myself and Jimin's disapproval of Mario and her sister's slight flirting must not add to that list.

Yes, after having Mario meet our sisters personally back in Thailand, he began texting and calling Chaeyoung. Which is actually an advanyage to me because I got one less competition to Lalisa but Jimin has been fuzzing about it the whole time saying that he doesn't like the guy for Chae and she should just look for someone else.

I don't get Jimin though. It's like he's jealous of the attention Chae is giving the Prime Minister but that's weird because they are siblings. Just thinking of the slight possiblity that Jimin likes her sister makes me cringe. I shook my head at the tought of incest. Even if they're really not blood related, it's still fucking weird. As weird as Jaime and Cersei Lannisters' relationship.

I sighed and just walked to sit beside my sister who is now with a cheerful mood.

"What's with that face?" she asked me the moment I sat beside her.

"What? How do I look?" I asked not caring if I look shit right now.

"You look defeated. We just even got here and you're like that already? What happened to the "I- will-make-her-fall-for-me plan?" she mocked and I rolled my eyes.

"She still loves Taehyung! I don't fucking no what to do!"

"No she's not! Can't you see how she looks at him? It's not even close to how she looks at you!"

"I don't know." I sighed weakly.

"Just go and make a move on her already. You just have five days to do that!"!she pushed me hard, enough to make me stand.

"Fine." I breathed deeply and gathered all the courage in me to face her.

I walk upstairs and walk directly to her room. But I got no answer when I knocked on it. So I just entered her room thinking she's just sleeping or what. But she was not there.

Where could she be?

I thought for awhile and remembered the milk she took for Taehyung.

She must be in his room.

I shrugged the jealousy inside me and walked to his room instead.

I don't care if I see them talking in his room right now. I want to talk to her even if I have to pass through Taehyung first. She's mine in the first place.

When I was already infront of Taehyung's door, I slowly opened the door expecting them to be talking in silence. But I got surprised the moment I saw what they are doing.

Because right now, Lalisa is on top of Taehyung kissing him while stradling his waist. And fucking Taehyung's hands are wrapped around her body.

I stepped back and closed the door without them even noticing.

Fuck my life!!!

I shook my head for so many times to brush away the scene I just witnessed.

I just can't believe what I saw. Lalisa and Taehyung is making out on the floor and the fact that she's even on top of him hurts me more.

I can't believe there will come a day where I will see her do such thing with another man.

I'm so pissed right now that I wanted to walk to them and punch Taehyung in the face. Then drag my wife away and lock her in my room but I am too hurt to do that.

Instead, I walked to my room and locked myself in. Punched the wall repeatedly which hurts but it's nothing compared to the pain I feel inside my chest.

My wife just cheated on me with my fucking bestfriend and I just let her be.

I don't know what to do with her anymore! I need to make her realize that what she did was very wrong and that she hurt me so much.

If I could only make her realize how hurt I am too, I will.

After an hour of ruining, throwing and punching every furniture inside Mario's guests room, I decided to go out and take a small walk away from this house. I need to clear my head right now because if not, I might end up killing Taehyung.

When I got out, I saw Lalisa walking to my direction too. She was looking at me but I didn't look at her. I tried to avoid making eye contact because I know myself. Just one hi from her, I will end up embracing her and kissing her for sure. And I don't plan to do that. I need to make her feel that she's hurting me with all this Taehyung shit.

So instead of stopping infront of her, I walked past her and didn't say a word.


Author's Note

Now you know what happened lol

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