The Humiliation

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Lalisa's POV

I nervously looked around the people inside the hall. Everyone is now staring at me as I stood on the door.

And by the look on their faces, I can tell that I'm not welcomed.

I feel out of place as I wear a just a simple white dress. While these people are wearing their gowns and suits.

Now I wonder if Jungkook really invited me here. I guess he didn't. And when I looked closely, I saw him there sitting with a surprised expression.

This is a trap. I should have known. And I confirmed it right when I saw Tzuyu sitting in front of Jungkook smiling at me.

It's her.

I know she's the one who texted me. How could I fall for that?

Jungkook clearly told me to wait for him but I didn't. Instead I'm here infront of these people while they look at me. Judging me from head to toe.

I want to leave but I can't move. And I can see Jungkook is not moving too. Even Taehyung and Jimin were also frozen to their seat. While Cahe, Jisoo and Jennie gave me a sympathetic look.

I want to cry.

But I don't want them to see me crying. Tzuyu would love it more if she saw me cry in front of them.

I tried to gather the courage inside me and turned my heel to leave, but Tzuyu's voice stopped me on my track.

I didn't notice that she was already beside me pulling me closer to where they are sitting.

"Oh Hi Lalisa! Are you lost? You see our families are celebrating the President's birthday Party. Come and join us." she said. Her hands are gripping my arms too hard and I want her to let go of me because it hurts. I will have bruises if she continues gripping me like this.

"Thanks but I need to go." I said and I tried to pull my ams away but she pulled me more.

She's strong.

"You're coming with me." she said through gritted teeth then she was able to pull me next to her seat.

I looked at Jungkook who is now guiltily looking at me. He looks lost as if he doesn't know what to do.

Maybe he's embarrassed to have his parents meet me like this.

Coming to their party univited that I look pathetic.

"Ladies and gentleman this is my friend,  Lalisa. Oh by the way, are you in the guest list because the chairs are reserved for the guests only?" she asked acting as if she's concerned.

"Tzuyu!" I heard Jungkook's voice.

"What? I was just asking her if she is on of the guest list because we have limited chairs." She said.

"Tzuyu dear,  we can ask for more chairs. Let your visitor sit." the President said while looking at me from head to toe.

"Of course, royals like me are too kind to let poor girls like her to at least enjoy royal food." she chuckled.

"Tzuyu! Stop that!" Her father warned. "I'm sorry miss for my daughters behavior,  please take the seat next to her." the king said.

I looked down on my lap at the embarrassment Tzuyu caused me.

"Lalisa, I'm glad to meet you again. Please take the seat." Jimin's father smiled warmly at me. The old man is really sweet.

"Oh. So you are Lalisa?" Taehyung's father confirmed as if he knows me.

"Yes sir, I am. Pleased to meet you." I answered And I nervously took the seat next to Tzuyu.

I can feel all the eyes on me. And most of them looks at me with pity while one looks at me with disgust.

The first lady must have noticed my uncomfort that's why she asked us to eat.

"Lalisa,  please enjoy the food." she said and I was abe to breath. It seems like the adults here are kind and Tzuyu is the only problem.

"Good thing the queen of Thailand didn't show or Lalisa here will be sitting on the floor" Tzuyu laughed which made everyone quiet.

"Tzuyu! If you don't stop!" Her father warned for the second time. He is probably embarrased with his daughters rude remarks.

"Dad, I was just joking. You see Lalisa and I are close friends because we are classmates. She goes to Ladium University too and I nearly forgot. Jungkook is classmates with her too." she announced and I mentally faced palmed because of her confession.

She will really not stop humiliating me in front of these people.

"What do you mean classmates with Jungkook? Yonsei is an all-boys school. " the president asked.

"You don't know? Jungkook must have not told you yet. , Lalisa here is a very good actress. She can pretend to be a boy and she even fooled the whole Yonsei University with her talent at acting. And yes she is taking classes at both University Mr. President. And I would like to request from you that if you ever won the the presidency, make sure that she gets kicked out from those schools because she's a fraud. She doesn't even deserve to go there. She's a poor pathetic leech who sucks on every man just to get her ways." Tzuyu continued attacking me and I didn't fought my tears this time from falling.

What did I even do to her for her to treat me like this?

"Tzuyu stop!" Jungkook shouted. But Tzuyu just laughed.

I wiped my tears away and I decided to just go home.  I can't stay here any longer If I don't go home now, I'm afraid she will get me crushed more.

"Lalisa,  come I'll take you home." I was surprised when Taehyung offered me his hand.

"No, I'm taking her home!" Jimin stood as well. Making the people around gasped.

"No one is taking Lalisa home except me!" Jungkook stood as well.

Now I feel more embarrased at the attention I am getting.

"Wow! I didn't know this bitch can catch three big fishes like this!" Tzuyu rolled her eyes.

The boys are glaring at each other for a long time while their parents are sharing a worried look.

But I just sat there cryimg myslef out.

Tzuyu succesfully ruined my night by humiliating me in front of these people. And worse is that Jungkook's parents are here. 

"No,  thank you. I will go home on my own." I said and I stood.

"Sorry I'm late. Our flight got delayed. Wait, is that you Princess?" A familiar voice interrupted.

And when I look at the source of the voice, I don't know if I will be happy or not to see him.

My ex fiancee.



Author's Note

I just want to thank those who comments. It really means a lot.

Thank you so much guys!

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