Just a song... (one-shot)

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"Just calm down.", said a figure inside his room. "You'll be fine. It's just like always."

He sat before his desk as he sighed. He put on his blue and black gas-like mask that covered his face from his nose to his neck. The mask also had a circular logo on the side that said 'JackOffAllTrades', while also displaying the card suits in the middle.

He grabbed his panda-themed hat from the side, making sure to tuck all of his silver-blue hair inside to make sure it wouldn't appear in the video.

He looked behind himself to see if any of his belongings were in view of the camera. He didn't need his friends figuring his secret out, thank you very much. 

He reaching for the camera behind the mic and pressed record. 

"Ohayō, minna!! JackOfAllTrades here with another music video!", he said with a grin, although it couldn't be seen through his mask while looking straight at the camera. 

"I have a new song for you all today!", he said, looking excited. "I hope you all enjoy it! Now, let's get right into the video!", he said as he flashed a closed eye smile. 

He froze in that position for a few seconds before he reached out to the camera behind the mic and stopped it from recording. 

He removed his hat and mask then sighed in relief, glad that it was done.

"Now, all that's left is the song itself, the animation, and the end cart.", he said to himself before pausing. He thought to himself for a second before tossing his hands up in the air. 

"Ugh, how am I supposed to reach the deadline?!", he said before sighing in defeat. "I guess I'll work on the song first..." 

He removed his mask and hat before pulling the mic closer to himself. "Time to record the song.", he said as he pulled out the lyrics for the song. "I've never been more grateful that I made sure my room was soundproof."

He sighed then said, "Welp, time to record.". 

After singing...

"Now, time to do the animation...", he said with a sigh. "My hands are gonna die later...", he muttered to himself.

"Welp...", he said as he got his laptop and drawing tablet out, "...guess I'll be stuck here for the next few hours."

A few hours later... 

"Phew!", Jack (OfAllTrades) sighed in relief. "Finally done!". He sighed once more before putting his stuff aside and grabbing the mic and camera again.

"Time to record the end cart THEN the edit the video.", he said as he set the camera up. After setting the camera, he put on his hat and mask once again.

He reached past the mic and hit the record button on the camera, making sure to give a closed eye smile to the camera.

"I hope you all enjoyed the music video!", he said. "Now then, I know that New Year's was a little while ago but happy New Year everybody!"

"Also, I heard about you guys calling yourselves 'The Deck' and I must say, I absolutely approve!!", he said with glee. He looked off to the side before looking back at the camera.

"Looks like my time's up for today!", he said as he got ready to say his outro. He perked up before saying,

"Never forget: 'Jack of all trades, Master of none, Though oftentimes better, Than master of one.', this is Jack, saying goodnight!", and as he said the last part, he pulled out a peace sign and a closed eye smile. 

He reached out to the camera once more and stopped it from recording. He didn't need the camera for what was coming next. 

"Time to edit."

After editing...

"*Yawn* I should go to bed.", said a sleepy Jack. He uploaded the video, not noticing the views and likes already pouring in.

He put all his stuff back in his closet before going to bed.

"Welp, goodnight!", he said as he promptly fell asleep.

Next morning...

We see Joker walking towards his living room. He realizes there were other people on board.

"Spade must've broken in again.", he sighed to himself before hearing another voice. "Seems like Queen's here as well."

He opened the door to find, yes, Spade and Queen bickering over... something.

"Hey guys!", he said to them but instead of a greeting, he got pulled into their argument.

"Joker! You have to help me tell her she's wrong! The newest song of JackOfAllTrades is clearly the superior one!", Spade said.

Before Joker could get a word in, Queen shouted, "No, his best song is the one he released last month!!", and with that, they started bickering again. 

 All while this is happening, Joker went to the kitchen to fetch himself a cup of coffee.

Looking over at his two friends he couldn't help but think, 'Heh, at least they appreciate my music.', he looked towards the fourth wall and winked, as if there was a joke only you he could understand. 

 He called the attention of the two before saying, "You two should calm down..."

"...it's just a song, after all."




"See! I'll show you!", said Spade and Queen in unison.

Because of their bickering, they missed the 3rd best song.

"AND ON NUMBER TWO, WE HAVE... FREAKS!!", and then Spade jumped and pointed at Queen saying, "HA! I TOLD YOU!"

"AND AT NUMBER ONE, WE HAVE... TALK TO ME!!", said DJ Peacock.


Hope you guys like this ( - .-)

I just made this earlier so I hope you enjoy my crappy writing. 

I gotta go now! 

Welcome to the shining night!

May the stars guide you through this magnificent sight!

(Edited: 06/25/2020)

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