Demons!! (Idea)

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DISCLAIMER: Everything here does not belong to me, only the plot does. All characters here belong to the amazing Hideyasu Takahashi. All the pictures belong to their respective artists but I mostly get the pictures from Google Images.


Okay so, I've had this idea for a while now but I didn't know how to put it into a story. Here it goes. This is Jokai btw :D

Also when I say Kingdom, I mean realm so to get to another Kingdom, you would have to go into a portal. 

Joker is a Prince of Hell, more specifically his real name is Mephistopheles (aka Mephisto). ((A/N: I chose him because, and yes I did my research, critics claim he doesn't search for men to corrupt, but comes to serve and ultimately collects the souls of those who're already damned. Tbh, that sounds like a Joker thing to do...)).

This is what he looks like btw ^^^, he just used some magic to disguise himself on Earth

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This is what he looks like btw ^^^, he just used some magic to disguise himself on Earth. ((A/N: Sorry about the crappy drawing!!))

Joker is also one of the shorter Demons a detail important for character development! Like Phoenix would tease Mephisto about it.

Now, Hell isn't all fire and savages all 'round. It's actually like a human society of the medieval era. 

 The highest position of power is the King and under him the Council which included 7 of the most powerful Demons in the Kingdom. Mephisto could proudly say he could defeat about 3 of them. He couldn't, though he'll never admit it, ever beat the last four. 

Also, all the Demons, aside from Joker, of course, are jerks. Like lose faith in humanity- err, demonology, jerks. 

Now, the Demons have this really strong treaty with the Bird Kingdom and Satan decides to bring Mephisto along on one of the meetings, hence how he meets Akai (who was known as Phoenix then) 

Phoenix was sorta excited when he heard the son of Satan was the same age as him because, yeah, everyone around him is nice but no one could connect to him very well because they were all a lot older or a lot younger. He just hoped the son of Satan wasn't a jerk, like the other Demons. 

Blah, blah, blah, they meet and then they become friends, they maintain their friendship through letters, maybe even miniature lacrimas. (Just search for 'FairyTail miniature communication lacrima')

Now, Mephisto reeeaaalllyyy hates how his race acts towards others, even to their kin, so when he sees the Council doing an act so horrible you can't put it to words ((A/N: Mostly because I'm still thinking on what it is.)), he snaps, horribly. 

He attacks the Council and as I said before, he defeats (aka kills but Joker doesn't know that) 3 of then but gets defeated by the last 4, the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Conquest, War, Famine, and Death. 

When they get Mephisto restraint, Satan doesn't hesitate to give him his punishment, banishment from the Demon Kingdom and Kill on Sight. Joker just has one request. 

To write one more message to Phoenix. 

They grant this request more out of pity than anything cause, well, he's really only a child being banished from his home. 

The message generally boils down to 'Something came up and now I'm being banished + killed on sight. Isn't that fun? Also, don't try to find me I'm fine :)))' 

Phoenix only gets this message a week after Mephisto was banished so he's worried af but he knows that Mephisto can't go to him because of the close relationship of the Bird Kingdom and the Demon Kingdom so there's nothing he could actually do which makes him frustrated and sad.

Six months after the message got received, when Phoenix was in the park alone, someone in a robe came up to him and said: 

One of the strongest

Yet took the fall

Said to be the kindest 

Yet was small (This made Phoenix chuckle)

He always protects

Never attacks

But sadly one day

He unfortunately snapped

Killed the corrupt

But four had survived

Banished away

To be killed on sight

Alive or Dead

It is unknown

He travels the multiverse

That's all I know.

And with that, the mysterious cloak person disappears before Phoenix can ask questions.

So while that was happening, Mephisto was traveling around. But he stumbles upon a much more advanced civilization than his own called Earth and Mephisto decides to stay there for a while so with some de-aging magic and some memory manipulation, in came in Jack.

Jack has been on Earth for many, many centuries so that explains the historic knowledge. But when Phoenix landed on Earth, he was on the other side of the world but by the time he was supposed to see Phoenix, he was sealed.

Everything from canon before Phoenix and Joker is the same except Phoenix was on an errand and then the water thing happened and bada-boom he's on Earth.

Mephisto always kept the alias Jack for some reason.

Now, Phoenix is unsealed and they meet on a roof in the middle of the night after Joker snuck out. Akai, as that is his alias, thought Joker looked familiar and then Joker asked if it was Phoenix.

Then Akai is like how do you know my real name?!? And then Joker does a certain sign with his hands.

((A/N: The thought was that Joker and Akai made up a symbol with their hands just for the two of them.))

Then Akai recognized him a d they have a tearful reunion and then they lived Happily ever after. 

That's all I could think of. You can expand on it if you want. :DD

Bonus: Joker is afraid of cats cause he can see their true plans of world domination and he knows he can't stop them.

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