Bye Bye Yesterday! (One-shot)

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DISCLAIMER: Everything here does not belong to me, only the plot does. All characters here belong to the amazing Hideyasu Takahashi. All the pictures belong to their respective artists but I mostly get the pictures from Google Images.

Song used: Bye Bye Yesterday ·English Cover· - Jenny

Hi guys!!

I have brought you guys a one-shot using a song from Assassination Classroom! (aka AssClass)

This is my favorite opening from the anime plus I was recently dragged back into the AssClass fandom! (not that I mind :3)

Anyway, enjoy!


If there was one thing Hachi was sure about, it was that Joker was terrible at cooking but amazing at baking. Seriously, Hachi has seen Joker somehow burn toast even if all he had to do was put it in a toaster but then when he makes he does it with such grace that Hachi can't help but stare.

Another thing Joker likes to do is hum while baking but today in particular, Hachi has noticed that Joker was tenser than usual, like he was stress-baking instead of doing it for fun. He was also humming a certain song that sounded familiar until Hachi realized that was the song Hachi usually caught Joker in secret. The moment someone walks into the same room as him, he stops humming that particular song for some reason.

It took a while for Hachi to realize why Joker was so tense until he realized what day it was today. The anniversary of his parents' deaths. 'So that explains it!', thought Hachi as he watched Joker hum and mixing batter inside a bowl from the door frame. Too wrapped up in his baking, Joker didn't notice his audience before he started humming again but this time, Hachi noticed Joker was preparing to...


Realizing what Joker was about to do, Hachi brought out his phone and started filming Joker sing.

"'Just wait a second!', I know I'm not heard.", started Joker as he stirred the batter more. "Screaming out, and yet they never hear a word.".

"I've wasted every bit of energy!", he said in a higher pitch as he stopped stirring and put the bowl down. "Fearing this world as the limits close around me!"

"The time is passing with the days that we see.", Joker continues as he grabs a cupcake tray. "Watching though I know it'll leave me.", he continues in a slightly sadder tone.

"It's like they're taking all the memories I loved!", he sang, putting more energy into this line and pouring the batter in the individual cupcake molds of the tray. "So, now I wonder if I'll ever sleep anymore...", wondered Joker as he trailed of Joker.

During these lines, Joker adopted a sadder and lower pitch. "Though we laughed and said goodbye. Though tears were in our eyes."

"Time passed before we even knew the reason why.", sang Joker with unclear eyes as if he was remembering something from his past as he finished putting the batter in the tray.

"Once we hear that final bell, there's nothing left to tell.", he sang as Joker grabbed the mittens from the counter. When Hachi heard this line, he grew confused. 'Final bell', like from schools?

"But it echoes in my mind, all the time!", and with that, he put the tray inside the oven and immediately removed the mittens.

"Bye Bye Yesterday!", he sang in a cheerful pitch laced with sadness as he started drumming his fingers against the counter.

"It's been a year of cramming through those lessons that I never really knew!", as per usual, Hachi was confused once again. Why was Joker making references to a school?

"Tomorrow we'll do it all again, "I know I'll see you soon!" as if it never really ends!", he sang this part with more sadness laced within his voice, making Hachi even more confused.

"Bye Bye Yesterday!", he repeated. "It's been a year of cramming through those lessons though I never wanted to!", he sang the end of this line as if he didn't want something to end but what exactly?

"You helped me see just who I wanted to be, but still, my tears fall!", Joker sang with more energy while Hachi was still filming thinking about the lyrics. Just who was Joker talking about? "Guess you never knew it all!".

"Bye Bye Yesterday! Its been a year of cramming through those lessons back when I was here with you!", still drumming his fingers against the counter, Joker smiles as he wraps up the song. "We'll grow as time will pass us by! But still, the colors in our memories shine!", he finished, shedding a single tear out of Hachi's view but quickly wiping it away.

Seeing that the song was done, Hachi scurried away from the door and went towards his room, opening up a group chat with Joker, himself, Spade, Queen, Shadow, Rose, and Akai.


07:48 AM


<Protecc> So, I caught Joker-san singing while baking cupcakes earlier.

<IAmDarkness> damn. he's better than i thought

<Spadon> never thought that Joker was the type to sing when baking...

<Idiot> HACHI!!! WHY?!?

<Protecc> Sorry, Joker-san! I had too!

<IAmAQueen> ngl, you're good at singing

<CinnamonRoll> Yeah! That was amazing, Joker!

<Idiot> thanks, Rose.

<FireChicken> where can i hear more of this?



Terminada! (Finished in Spanish)

Haha, this was fun to make! Especially since I love the song!

Also, can you guess who is who in the gc part?? It's pretty obvious lmao...

Anyway, thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!

Buh-byyyyeeeeee! (バイバイ YESTERDAY!)

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